Monday, February 18, 2013

Opportunity Seeker or? ? - Certified Fitness Nursing


Are you an Opportunity Seeker or a Strategic Entrepreneur? ??I first heard this question from Alex Mandossian, an information marketer, who?s brilliant in how he makes complex things so simple.

Chances are you are the former. ?I suppose, we all are opportunity seekers at some point.

What opportunity are you seeking?

  • Are you looking for a fitness opportunity in Nursing?
  • Are you looking for a nursing opportunity in Fitness?
  • Are you looking to create your own opportunity?

Well good luck in your search.
In my search, over 20 years, for either? I found that they don?t exist. ?

Well I did teach exercise for a health resources department, in a hospital system, as a nurse, at a nurses? rate. But it was short-lived. ?Someone realized that fitness trainers could do it for half my pay. ?I then continued to give lectures and do public health screenings. ?(It was still a decent job)?

How about the first one:

Well, remember in nursing school when everything was crammed into such a strategic time allotment. ?The most that we were taught about exercise was an ?activity deficit?, how loss of mobility is a key factor in your patients going down hill, R.O.M., body mechanics and maybe the government recommendations. ?Any more studying than that, was probably done on your own. ?Nursing just doesn?t have the space or place for teaching nurses how to teach patients how to exercise. Besides in a clinical setting, there are physical therapists who are great at knowing the ?ins and outs? of exercise. Doctors would recommend patients to them. But then again, patients who are able to actually exercise, besides cardiac rehab, wouldn?t be in the hospital (insurance wouldn?t cover this). So for now anyway, there is no opportunity for you to work as a nurse/fitness trainer in Nursing (clinical setting). ??

How about the second one:

How about working in a gym or a club? ?Sure you can be a nurse who, actually does ?nurse? skills, like take blood pressure and do other screenings in a club or a gym? for $12.00 an hour. ?To be a nurse who specializes in fitness at a gym or club (in fitness) is what many of you may do now. ?You may get paid pretty well. Are your clients coming to you because you?re a nurse with a specialty in fitness or because your a good exercise instructor? ?There are a few of you who specifically have clients who come to see you because you are a nurse? fantastic. ?Are you getting paid for that? ?Or are you getting paid the same as the exercise instructor who has a weekend certification? ?Is there a distinction in your service? Does anybody really care???Are people coming to the class, gym or club to see a nurse?

How about the third one:

This is the one that I have decided to go with. ?An opportunity is what you make it, right? ?I think it?s how you see it. ?Many of you may feel that creating your own opportunity is NOT an opportunity at all. ?It?s a hassle. ?A risk. ?A territory that hasn?t been explored yet and ?let someone else explore it first; then I?ll try it? maybe?. ?What about making money and supporting yourself? ?There?s no guarantee that you will make any money creating your own opportunity. ?I know. ?I hear your concerns. ?But I still feel that someone has to try. ?That someone? be me! ?I realize that I have to create more social proof. ?And it?s what I intend to do!

I?m not alone in my quest for creating social proof and my own opportunity as a Fitness Nurse Consultant? and Certified Fitness Nurse? Coach (which is what I call myself, without anyone?s permission). There are a few courageous nurses who are making their own opportunity too. ?We are trying to become Strategic Entrepreneurs; not just Opportunity Seekers any longer. ?We?re not spending most of our time looking for an opportunity that doesn?t exist or doing one thing one time or getting more initials to put behind our name thinking that?s the problem (when it isn?t) or giving an exercise class and then say, ?see you next week? ?maybe you won?t see them next week. ?There?s long term commitment there. ?We?re creating our own opportunity strategically.

What we need to do as a Strategic Entrepreneur:

  1. Decide why we want to combine our nursing skills with our fitness training and whom best we can help by doing this and where they are. Their ?hubs?.
  2. Decide what we are best at when delivering information/instruction to others. ?Do we like to talk, to write, to entertain (have company over), go to social events, to be on the computer (social media), etc.? ?This will help us decide the way we will market our services, without dread.?
  3. We decide what we want our ideal client to do when they come into contact with us personally, visit our blog, face book page, read an article, etc. ?This usually is not to directly ?buy? something from us. ?But to get a ?FREE? publication, tips, recording, whatever interests them. ?We know that we need to build relationships, to build trust and very importantly to build an email list of interested people, who we keep in contact with at least 2X a month.
  4. We become a celebrity in ?our own backyard? as the only Fitness Nurse Consultant? or Certified Fitness Nurse? Coach. ?And on the internet we link all of our social media to work together and organize a 3-month calendar of specific topics and sub-topics that our ideal clients want and will love. ?This also frees up our time and we?re not scatter-brain about what to write about and we?re not chasing clients or hoping they?ll show up.
To be transparent with you, Kevin Ross, RN, BSN and I are starting next week with our 6-month VIP Mentorship for Fitness Nurse Consulting. ?We have decided to work with one nurse at a time. After all, each of you are different with different goal, gifts and dreams. ?The application and admission is ongoing. ?(The actual mentorship is really just over 4 months we put in breaks throughout the program). ?We want to build relationships with the nurses we assist. ?We are committed to them and they are committed to us and to becoming a strategic entrepreneur (lasting), not an opportunity seeker (fleeting). ?If you are interested in more information on our 6-month VIP Mentorship just go to ?You can also watch a recorded webinar there, that is required, before you fill out and send in the application.

I?ll save you some effort if you are looking for a price. ?You get the price when you speak to me personally, after you send in your application. ?This done for a reason. ?If you are an ideal client for us, we will work with you. ?If you are just shopping price, then there are many other coaching programs out there.

The nurses who follow the instructions, make the effort and are sincere in doing what only a few courageous nurses are doing today, will understand that this is very much a part of what you need to become a strategic entrepreneur? create systems, a plan, delayed gratification. ?This skill is something you also are taught when it comes to pricing for your services at a fee that you deserve and will get from your ideal clients too.



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