Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Floored Generates Customizable 3D Models For Real Estate Using Kinect-Like Sensors

Floored LogoFloored scans office spaces, apartments and houses using 3D camera technology and proprietary software to build customizable 3D models for real estate purposes. At Disrupt NY 2013, the company launched the platform to create an immersive, interactive and user-friendly experience. Instead of static photos and floor plans, you can move around in real-time, add furniture and easily realize if the space is a good fit. “The marketing in the commercial real estate industry is absolutely abysmal,” co-founder and CEO Dave Eisenberg said in a phone interview before Disrupt. “The two-dimensional floor plan has not evolved in decades.” At first, Eisenberg was interested in 3D capturing and wanted to explore potential real-world applications. That’s when he discovered Matterport, a 3D device to capture interior spaces, and partnered with it to take advantage of Matterport’s existing hardware solutions. “Matterport is a pretty incredible technology company. They incorporated the Kinect into a device they built,” Eisenberg said. “It?s the first point-and-shoot solution to grab a 3D capture of your environment.” Matterport now works with Primesense, which manufactures the sensor inside the Kinect. But Floored had to customize the device to their needs and develop a new software layer on top of Matterport’s existing capabilities. The two companies are tackling different pieces of the puzzle and have different clients in mind. Floored cleans up the data in-house and renders the result in real time for the web and its iPad app. The entire process currently takes 48 to 96 hours. At Disrupt, Floored unveiled its next update, due later this year, with new features, such as the ability to change the lighting conditions in real time. Users will also be able to add furniture using a really simple 3D editing tool. “This is the number one most requested feature set,” Eisenberg said onstage. In addition to the technology achievement, Floored allows for nearly limitless customization possibilities. You can make changes to a space and see how it would look like. For example, Floored turned an empty retail space into a coffee shop. In addition to seeing a place in its current condition, you can see it in a new condition. Floored showed the Disrupt crowd an impressive demo of the top floor of One World Trade Center. You can walk around and enjoy the view just like you will be able to do later this year. The New York-based startup has raised $1 million

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/2F4UlO3SrfU/

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Monday, April 29, 2013

EPA methane report further divides fracking camps

PITTSBURGH (AP) -- The Environmental Protection Agency has dramatically lowered its estimate of how much of a potent heat-trapping gas leaks during natural gas production, in a shift with major implications for a debate that has divided environmentalists: Does the recent boom in fracking help or hurt the fight against climate change?

Oil and gas drilling companies had pushed for the change, but there have been differing scientific estimates of the amount of methane that leaks from wells, pipelines and other facilities during production and delivery. Methane is the main component of natural gas.

The new EPA data is "kind of an earthquake" in the debate over drilling, said Michael Shellenberger, the president of the Breakthrough Institute, an environmental group based in Oakland, Calif. "This is great news for anybody concerned about the climate and strong proof that existing technologies can be deployed to reduce methane leaks."

The scope of the EPA's revision was vast. In a mid-April report on greenhouse emissions, the agency now says that tighter pollution controls instituted by the industry resulted in an average annual decrease of 41.6 million metric tons of methane emissions from 1990 through 2010, or more than 850 million metric tons overall. That's about a 20 percent reduction from previous estimates. The agency converts the methane emissions into their equivalent in carbon dioxide, following standard scientific practice.

The EPA revisions came even though natural gas production has grown by nearly 40 percent since 1990. The industry has boomed in recent years, thanks to a stunning expansion of drilling in previously untapped areas because of the use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, which injects sand, water and chemicals to break apart rock and free the gas inside.

Experts on both sides of the debate say the leaks can be controlled by fixes such as better gaskets, maintenance and monitoring. Such fixes are also thought to be cost-effective, since the industry ends up with more product to sell.

"That is money going up into the air," said Roger Pielke Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado, adding he isn't surprised the EPA's new data show more widespread use of pollution control equipment. Pielke noted that the success of the pollution controls also means that the industry "probably can go further" in reducing leaks.

Representatives of the oil and gas industry said the EPA revisions show emissions from the fracking boom can be managed.

"The methane 'leak' claim just got a lot more difficult for opponents" of natural gas, noted Steve Everley, with Energy In Depth, an industry-funded group.

In a separate blog post, Everley predicted future reductions, too.

"As technologies continue to improve, it's hard to imagine those methane numbers going anywhere but down as we eagerly await the next installment of this EPA report," Everley wrote.

One leading environmentalist argued the EPA revisions don't change the bigger picture.

"We need a dramatic shift off carbon-based fuel: coal, oil and also gas," Bill McKibbern, the founder of 350.org, wrote in an email to The Associated Press. "Natural gas provides at best a kind of fad diet, where a dangerously overweight patient loses a few pounds and then their weight stabilizes; instead, we need at this point a crash diet, difficult to do" but needed to limit the damage from climate change.

The EPA said it made the changes based on expert reviews and new data from several sources, including a report funded by the oil and gas industry. But the estimates aren't based on independent field tests of actual emissions, and some scientists said that's a problem.

Robert Howarth, a Cornell University professor of ecology who led a 2011 methane leak study that is widely cited by critics of fracking, wrote in an email that "time will tell where the truth lies in all this, but I think EPA is wrong."

Howarth said other federal climate scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have published recent studies documenting massive methane leaks from natural gas operations in Colorado and other Western states.

Howarth wrote that the EPA seems "to be ignoring the published NOAA data in their latest efforts, and the bias on industry only pushing estimates downward ? never up ? is quite real. EPA badly needs a counter-acting force, such as outside independent review of their process."

The issue of methane leaks has caused a major split between environmental groups.

Since power plants that burn natural gas emit about half the amount of the greenhouse gases as coal-fired power, some say that the gas drilling boom has helped the U.S. become the only major industrialized country to significantly reduce greenhouse emissions. But others believe the methane leaks negate any benefits over coal, since methane is a highly potent greenhouse gas.

The new EPA figures still show natural gas operations as the leading source of methane emissions in the U.S., at about 145 million metric tons in 2011. The next biggest source was enteric fermentation, scientific jargon for belches from cows and other animals, at 137 million metric tons. Landfills were the third-biggest source, at 103 million metric tons.

But the EPA estimates that all the sources of methane combined still account for only 9 percent of greenhouse gases, even taking into account methane's more potent heat-trapping.

The EPA said it is still seeking more data and feedback on the issue of methane leaks, so the report may change again in the future.

The EPA revisions have international implications, too. The agency says the new report, Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, was submitted to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change by an April 15 deadline.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/epa-methane-report-further-divides-161201451.html

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Protesters march against first British drone base

LONDON (AP) ? Anti-war protesters are demonstrating outside a Royal Air Force base used to control drone flights over Afghanistan.

Until this week, British drones were operated only from a U.S. Air Force base in Nevada.

The Ministry of Defense announced Thursday that a new drone-operating squadron had begun operating from RAF Waddington in eastern England.

The ministry says the Reaper drones are used for "intelligence and surveillance missions," but also are equipped with missiles and bombs.

Opponents who are marching Saturday say drones make it too easy to launch deadly attacks from a distance and out of public sight.

The defense ministry says drone operators "adhere strictly to the same laws of armed conflict and are bound by the same clearly defined rules of engagement" as other RAF pilots.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/protesters-march-against-first-british-drone-133618292.html

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Russia caught bomb suspect on wiretap

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Russian authorities secretly recorded a telephone conversation in 2011 in which one of the Boston bombing suspects vaguely discussed jihad with his mother, officials said Saturday, days after the U.S. government finally received details about the call.

In another conversation, the mother of now-dead bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was recorded talking to someone in southern Russia who is under FBI investigation in an unrelated case, officials said.

The conversations are significant because, had they been revealed earlier, they might have been enough evidence for the FBI to initiate a more thorough investigation of the Tsarnaev family.

As it was, Russian authorities told the FBI only that they had concerns that Tamerlan and his mother were religious extremists. With no additional information, the FBI conducted a limited inquiry and closed the case in June 2011.

Two years later, authorities say Tamerlan and his brother, Dzhohkar, detonated two homemade bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring more than 260. Tamerlan was killed in a police shootout and Dzhohkar is under arrest.

In the past week, Russian authorities turned over to the United States information it had on Tamerlan and his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva. The Tsarnaevs are ethnic Chechens who emigrated from southern Russia to the Boston area over the past 11 years.

Even had the FBI received the information from the Russian wiretaps earlier, it's not clear that the government could have prevented the attack.

In early 2011, the Russian FSB internal security service intercepted a conversation between Tamerlan and his mother vaguely discussing jihad, according to U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation with reporters.

The two discussed the possibility of Tamerlan going to Palestine, but he told his mother he didn't speak the language there, according to the officials, who reviewed the information Russia shared with the U.S.

In a second call, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva spoke with a man in the Caucasus region of Russia who was under FBI investigation. Jacqueline Maguire, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Washington Field Office, where that investigation was based, declined to comment.

There was no information in the conversation that suggested a plot inside the United States, officials said.

It was not immediately clear why Russian authorities didn't share more information at the time. It is not unusual for countries, including the U.S., to be cagey with foreign authorities about what intelligence is being collected.

Nobody was available to discuss the matter early Sunday at FSB offices in Moscow.

Jim Treacy, the FBI's legal attache in Moscow between 2007 and 2009, said the Russians long asked for U.S. assistance regarding Chechen activity in the United States that might be related to terrorism.

"On any given day, you can get some very good cooperation," Treacy said. "The next you might find yourself totally shut out."

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva has denied that she or her sons were involved in terrorism. She has said she believed her sons have been framed by U.S. authorities.

But Ruslan Tsarni, an uncle of the Tsarnaev brothers and Zubeidat's former brother-in-law, said Saturday he believes the mother had a "big-time influence" as her older son increasingly embraced his Muslim faith and decided to quit boxing and school.

After receiving the narrow tip from Russia in March 2011, the FBI opened a preliminary investigation into Tamerlan and his mother. But the scope was extremely limited under the FBI's internal procedures.

After a few months, they found no evidence Tamerlan or his mother were involved in terrorism.

The FBI asked Russia for more information. After hearing nothing, it closed the case in June 2011.

In the fall of 2011, the FSB contacted the CIA with the same information. Again the FBI asked Russia for more details and never heard back.

At that time, however, the CIA asked that Tamerlan's and his mother's name be entered into a massive U.S. terrorism database.

The CIA declined to comment Saturday.

Authorities have said they've seen no connection between the brothers and a foreign terrorist group. Dzhohkar told FBI interrogators that he and his brother were angry over wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the deaths of Muslim civilians there.

Family members have said Tamerlan was religiously apathetic until 2008 or 2009, when he met a conservative Muslim convert known only to the family as Misha. Misha, they said, steered Tamerlan toward a stricter version of Islam.

Two U.S. officials say investigators believe they have identified Misha. While it was not clear whether the FBI had spoken to him, the officials said they have not found a connection between Misha and the Boston attack or terrorism in general.


Associated Press writer Adam Goldman in Washington and Michael Kunzelman in Boston contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/apnewsbreak-russia-caught-bomb-suspect-wiretap-211814701.html

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Oh Man, This Genius Guy Created a Robot to Steal from Vending Machines

You could use measuring tape to steal a can of soda from a vending machine but if you're a genius, why not just invent a freaking robot to do the dirty work for you? This guy did just that. He inserts his robot inside the vending machine and controls it to grab as many sodas as possible. Awesome. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/CbG9lrtyDhc/oh-man-this-genius-guy-created-a-robot-to-steal-from-vending-machines

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DoubleSpring Media Launches Blackmonk: a CMS Product to Host ...

As digital content across the internet increases, content management systems (CMS) and blogging platforms have gained enormous popularity. These platforms make content management and the digitalisation appear like a breeze. BlackMonk is one such CMS product, made for different web portal projects.

BlackMonk is a scalable and highly customizable content management system for building web portals. It powers online newspapers, magazine sites, business directories, city portals, community portals and more. Its modular design and flexible architecture allows customization of functionalities with ease and convenience.


Sites on BlackMonk

BlackMonk is a product of DoubleSpring Media, a Bangalore based mobile & web app development company formed in 2008, that specializes in digital content management. Prior to BlackMonk, DoubleSpring Media had launched MyBangalore.com and a CMS product called LocalEngine, which were CMS system exclusively for city portals.

The BlackMonk product

BlackMonk offers the widest range of functionalities to help its customers get started with just about any type of web portal project. It is equipped with web applications needed for any heavy duty site to run, ranging from content, commerce to community portals. Blackmonk is completely flexible with respect to functionality and work flow. One can add modules as per requirement; it also provides intuitive control panels where both the admin and staff can use the content with ease.

BlackMonk is also customized with popular social media platforms and user generated contents. This gives the end user a leverage to post articles, events or classifieds at their end. Different revenue streams are also integrated with the product like banner ads, promotional contents ecommerce, affiliate marketing and deals. At the same time the user can set up different payment gateways such as Paypal, Google etc.


BlackMonk Interface

A web portal is incomplete if one cannot access it across different hand held devices. BlackMonk gives you an added advantage to publish your web portal across tablets and smart phones. Platforms for Android and iOS have also been integrated and the DoubleSpring team is further working on other mobile platforms.

Even if one gets stuck within the CMS, they can seek contextual help and a handy ?quick help? link leading to relevant page on the online documentation.

The force behind BlackMonk

BlackMonk under the parent company DoubleSpring Media have a 20 member team including Shuhaib Shariff who is the founder and CEO. ?As a team our strength lies in our engineering expertise, and we work with technologies such as Python which will emerge to be the key technologies in the web development arena? shares Shuhaib.

BlackMonk has been in the market for over 5 months now and within this time they have had many adopters from North America and Europe such as 5starwedding directory?(UK), city portal of Austin. Most of these customers came across BlackMonk through organic searches, looking to upgrade their existing web portals. In a desire to build one from scratch, they found BlackMonk very satisfying. ?BlackMonk is the most comprehensive web portal software in the market today, and it is loved by our clients and end-users? adds Shuhaib.


Team Doublespring

The users need to purchase a licence to get started with the product. ?Our licensing terms allows single domain deployment per license ? with absolutely no restrictions on number of users or content pages? Shuhaib clarifies. The licensed user also gets the leverage of playing with the source code to shape it according to their desire. BlackMonk operates in a competitive niche, which is dominated by big international players such as eDirectory, GTxcel, EZ Systems etc. And Shuhaib feels it is due to the sheer strength of their product that they have been able to gain traction in this highly competitive niche.

Source: http://yourstory.in/2013/04/doublespring-media-launches-blackmonk-a-cms-product-to-host-web-apps/

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Theravance to split into two listed companies

(Reuters) - Biopharmaceutical company Theravance Inc said it plans to split into two publicly traded companies, one of which would independently manage the development of the respiratory drugs it is working on with GlaxoSmithKline Plc.

The split plan comes after weeks of speculation that the company could be bought by Glaxo, Theravance's largest shareholder with a stake of about 27 percent.

Theravance shares were up about 10 percent at $33.50 in after-hours trading on Thursday.

The other company to result from the split will focus on development of small-molecule compounds in rare disease areas.

Theravance Chief Executive Rick Winningham said the split would unlock potential value from two disparate sets of assets, better align employee incentives and provide a consistent return of capital to stockholders of the Glaxo partner, to be called Royalty Management Co.

The second company will be called Theravance Biopharma.

Theravance's shares rose sharply in early March after Piper Jaffray said in a research report that Glaxo could take over Theravance if U.S. health regulators ruled positively on the companies' respiratory drugs, Breo Ellipta and Anoro.

An advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended earlier this month that the agency approve Breo Ellipta to treat smoking-related lung damage.

Theravance's shares have risen more than 10 percent since then up to Thursday close of $30.92. The stock was trading at $33.50 after hours.

Theravance also reported a first-quarter net loss of $37.4 million, or 39 cents per share, compared with a profit of $84.6 million, or $1.01 per share, a year earlier.

Revenue fell by $125.8 million to $1.3 million. The steep fall in revenue reflected the scrapping in January of Theravance's global deal with Japan's Astellas Pharma Inc to develop and market its antibiotic Vibativ.

Analysts on average had expected a loss of 38 cents per share on revenue of $2.3 million, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

(Reporting by Zeba Siddiqui in Bangalore; Editing by Don Sebastian, Maju Samuel)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/theravance-split-two-listed-companies-215253650--finance.html

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Plantronics BackBeat GO stereo Bluetooth headphones review

Back at PAX East I met up with the guys at Plantronics, and they gave me a set of light and sporty Backbeat GO stereo Bluetooth headphones to try out. They adopt the ultra-light look that seems to be all the rage in stereo Bluetooth accessories. As if the form factor wasn't enough to entice music-loving busybodies, the Plantronics Bluetooth guy told me that there's a light oleophobic coating on the headphones to fend off sweat.

Plantronics Backbeat GO

In terms of sheer looks, the Backbeat GO headphones are very classy. They're available in black and white, the thin tangle-free wire connecting each bud has a nice matte finish, and the two-tone look is very catching. Both buds have swappable gels (small, medium, and large are included) and clear rubber stabilizing braces, but most of the functional stuff is on the right side. There you'll find the in-line mic with power and media controls and the micro USB charging plug tucked behind a flap in the earbud. The front of the earbud also has an LED indicator, so folks know you aren't just a crazy person talking to yourself when taking a call. On the software side, battery life shows up as a separate indicator on iOS devices when paired.

Plantronics Backbeat GO

Operation is pretty standard and what you'd expect. Holding up and down on the volume keys skips tracks, holding down the raised play button initiates Siri. Pairing mode is initiated by holding down the power button extra long when turning it on. Call control includes taking calls, hanging up, putting calls on hold, and redialing - provided you can remember which one is a two-second press which is a double-press of the play button.You get audio notifications when the Backbeat GO is turned on, makes a connection, and is running low on batteries. Listed battery life is around 4 hours, which lines up with my experience.

Plantronics Backbeat GO

Now, I tend to be really picky about my in-ear headphones. The Bose in-ear headphones I (and Android Central's Phil Nickinson) use regularly are insanely comfortable, and I've yet to find anything better. You can seriously wear those things day-in and day-out without a problem, and they sound fantastic, buuuuuut you've gotta deal with a wire. That said, even with the smallest earbuds, I found it hard to wear the Backbeat GO headset for longer stretches. Though the old Backbeat 903 headphones didn't sit as closely in the ear canal as the Backbeat GO headset and the earpieces were a fair bit bigger, I found them generally more comfortable. On top of comfort, you've got to deal with the usual issue of in-ear headsets: earwax occasionally gunking up the gel. Insofar as portability and ease of use, the Backbeat GO headphones earn high marks. The cable has been specifically designed to be tangle-free, and I've yet to have any issues on that front.

Plantronics Backbeat GO

As for sound quality, the Backbeat GO is on the tinny side. For phone calls and podcasts, that's okay, but I've found busy, bass-heavy music doesn't come through particularly well. On the upside, the earbuds are snug enough that there's ample noise cancellation.

The good

  • Stylish design
  • Lightweight and portable

The bad

  • Uncomfortable earbuds
  • Tinny audio

The bottom line

The Plantronics Backbeat GO headphones are perfect for anyone looking for music that won't get in the way of their workout. There's enough battery life to get you through a lengthy run or bike ride, and it's very easy to store. Your m,ileage may vary for comfort, and the audio quality is distinctly tinny, which may grate on audiophiles looking for deep, true sound.

  • $119.99 (now on sale for $99.99) - Buy now

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/e1X7My9EPVM/story01.htm

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Realogy Demonstrates Continued Support of the ... - Franchising.com

April 25, 2013 // Franchising.com // MADISON, N.J. - More than two dozen speakers and panelists affiliated with Realogy Holdings Corp. (NYSE: RLGY), a global leader in real estate franchising and provider of real estate brokerage, relocation and settlement services, presented at the Asian Real Estate Association of America?s (AREAA) Global Summit in Honolulu, where 400 attendees from 13 countries were in attendance from April 21-23.

?We welcomed our affiliated brokers who joined us from around the world and, of course, locally from the beautiful islands of Hawaii,? said Tanya Reu, a senior vice president of human resources at Realogy and the AREAA conference chair. ?This event provided attendees with market knowledge, business development opportunities and new relationships to better serve the Asian-American community.?

Below is a list of Realogy-affiliated speakers who presented at the Summit:

? Alex Perriello, President & CEO, Realogy Franchise Group, Panelist, Opening General Session
? Rick Davidson, President & CEO, Century 21 Real Estate, Panelist, Closing General Session
? Philip White, President & CEO, Sotheby?s International Realty Affiliates, Panelist, ?Lifestyles of the Rich and Asian? and speaker at the ?Global Congress?
? Sherry Chris, President & CEO, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, Speaker, Opening General Session and Panelist, ?Building a Brokerage of the Future?

?Doing Business in Asia and Around the World? speakers included:

? Ronald Wang, CENTURY 21 Taiwan
? David Carson, Sotheby?s International Realty Canada
? Ryan Lee, CENTURY 21 South Korea
? Kunihiko Omata, CENTURY 21 Mongolia
? Michael Pallier, Sydney Sotheby?s International Realty
? Rick Davidson, Century 21 Real Estate
? Philip White, Sotheby?s International Realty Affiliates

?Business Roundtables? speakers included:

? Rob Mehta, Coldwell Banker Burnet, Minneapolis, Minn.
? Mark Foreman, Century 21 Real Estate
? Brian Krueger, Coldwell Banker Premier Realty, Las Vegas (moderator)
? Christophe Choo, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Beverly Hills, Calif.
? Tina Mak, Coldwell Banker Westburn Realty, Vancouver
? Kathy Korte, Sotheby?s International Realty, Inc., New York City

?Leading Cities Around the World? speakers included:

? C. Brian Rushton, CENTURY 21 Canada
? Ed Krafchow, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Mason-McDuffie, Pleasanton, Calif.
? Dean Jones, Realogics Sotheby?s International Realty, Seattle
? Brett Dickinson, Pacific Sotheby?s International Realty, La Jolla, Calif.
? Jerry Huang, The Corcoran Group, New York City

? Brian Krueger, Coldwell Banker Premier Realty, Las Vegas, Panelist, ?Growing Commercial Real Estate Opportunities?
? Christophe Choo, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Beverly Hills, Calif., Panelist, ?The Secret to Luxury Listings?
? Kathy Korte, Sotheby?s International Realty Inc., New York City, Panelist, ?The Secret to Luxury Listings?
? Tina Mak, Coldwell Banker Westburn Realty, Vancouver, Panelist, ?How to Reach the Global Consumer?
? Sin-Yi Lambertson, ERA Yes Real Estate, Glendora, Calif., Panelist, ?How to Reach the Global Consumer?
? Herman Chan, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Mason-McDuffie, Berkeley, Calif., Panelist, ?Top Agent Panel?

Realogy?s continued involvement with AREAA and its efforts on other diversity-related initiatives are highlighted in the Realogy 2012 Diversity & Community Outreach Report. Founded in 2003, AREAA is a nonprofit professional trade organization dedicated to promoting sustainable homeownership opportunities in Asian American communities by creating a powerful national voice for housing and real estate professionals that serve this dynamic market. More information can be found at www.areaa.org.

About Realogy Holdings Corp.

Realogy Holdings Corp. (NYSE: RLGY) is a global leader in residential real estate franchising with company-owned residential real estate brokerage operations doing business under its franchise systems as well as relocation and title services. Realogy's brands and business units include Better Homes and Gardens? Real Estate, CENTURY 21?, Coldwell Banker?, Coldwell Banker Commercial?, The Corcoran Group?, ERA?, Sotheby's International Realty?, NRT LLC, Cartus and Title Resource Group. Collectively, Realogy's franchise system members operate approximately 13,600 offices with 238,900 independent sales associates doing business in 102 countries around the world. Realogy is headquartered at 175 Park Avenue in Madison, N.J.

SOURCE?Realogy Holdings Corp.

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Kathy Borruso
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Source: http://www.franchising.com/news/20130425_realogy_demonstrates_continued_support_of_the_asia.html

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Earth's cooling came to sudden halt in 1900, study shows

An international study used tree rings and pollen to build the first?record of global climate change, continent by continent, over 2,000 years.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / April 23, 2013

Emperor penguins walk across sea ice near Ross Island, Antarctica, in this 2012, photo released by Thomas Beer. The continent's pristine habitat provides a laboratory for scientists studying the effects of climate change.

Courtesy Thomas Beer/AP/File


A reconstruction of 2,000 years of global temperatures shows that a long-term decline in Earth's temperatures ended abruptly about 1900, replaced by a warming trend that has continued despite the persistence into the 20th century of the factors driving the cooling, according to a new study.

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Indeed, for several continents, the increase in global average temperatures from the 19th century to the 20th was the highest century-to-century increase during the 2,000-year span, the study indicates. It's the first study to attempt building a millennial-scale climate history, continent by continent.

The research wasn't designed to identify the cause of the warming trend, which climate researchers say has been triggered by a buildup of greenhouse gases ? mainly carbon dioxide ? as humans burned increasing amounts of fossil fuel and altered the landscape in ways that released CO2.

Still, it's hard to explain 20th-century warming without including the influence of rising CO2 levels, because the factors driving the cooling were still present, notes Darrell Kaufman, a researcher at Northern Arizona University and one of the lead authors on the paper formally reporting the results in the journal Nature Geoscience.

The study, five years in the making, drew on the work of 87 scientists in 24 countries as part of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program. One goal of the 27-year-old program is to gain a deeper understanding of Earth's climate history and the factors that contribute to climate variability.

The study used nature's proxies for thermometers ? tree rings, pollen, and other natural temperature indicators ? to build continent by continent a coordinated record of temperature changes during the past two millenniums.

Scientists use this proxy approach to reach farther into the climate's temperature history than the relatively short thermometer record allows. Such efforts aim to put today's climate into a deeper historical context as well as to identify the duration and possible triggers for natural swings that the climate undergoes over a variety of time scales.

Last March, for instance, a team led by Shaun Marcott at Oregon State University used climate proxies to build a global temperature record reaching back 1,200 years ? one that also noted the pre-1900 cooling trend.

Until now, however, the proxy approach has been used to reconstruct changes in global-average and hemisphere-wide temperatures, Dr. Kaufman explains.

"There was very little information about past climate variability at the regional scale," he says. Yet the team notes that no one lives in a global-average world. People live in specific regions where geography plays a vital role in shaping the climate patterns they experience.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/s_CQlowEYIE/Earth-s-cooling-came-to-sudden-halt-in-1900-study-shows

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Team deploys hundreds of tiny untethered surgical tools in first animal biopsies

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

By using swarms of untethered grippers, each as small as a speck of dust, Johns Hopkins engineers and physicians say they have devised a new way to perform biopsies that could provide a more effective way to access narrow conduits in the body as well as find early signs of cancer or other diseases.

In two recent peer-reviewed journal articles, the team reported successful animal testing of the tiny tools, which require no batteries, wires or tethers as they seize internal tissue samples. The devices are called "mu-grippers," incorporating the Greek letter that represents the term for "micro." Instead of relying on electric or pneumatic power, these star-shaped tools are autonomously activated by the body's heat, which causes their tiny "fingers" to close on clusters of cells. Because the tools also contain a magnetic material, they can be retrieved through an existing body opening via a magnetic catheter.

In the April print edition of Gastroenterology, the researchers described their use of the mu-grippers to collect cells from the colon and esophagus of a pig, which was selected because its intestinal tract is similar to that of humans. Earlier this year, the team members reported in the journal Advanced Materials that they had successfully inserted the mu-grippers through the mouth and stomach of a live animal and released them in a hard-to-access place, the bile duct, from which they obtained tissue samples.

"This is the first time that anyone has used a sub-millimeter-sized device -- the size of a dust particle -- to conduct a biopsy in a live animal," said David Gracias, an associate professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering whose lab team developed the microgrippers. "That's a significant accomplishment. And because we can send the grippers in through natural orifices, it is an important advance in minimally invasive treatment and a step toward the ultimate goal of making surgical procedures noninvasive."

Another member of the research team, physician Florin M. Selaru of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, said the mu-grippers could lead to an entirely new approach to conducting biopsies, which are considered the "gold standard" test for diagnosing cancer and other diseases.

The advantage of the mu-grippers, he said, is that they could collect far more samples from many more locations. He pointed out that the much larger forceps used during a typical colonoscopy may remove 30 to 40 pieces of tissue to be studied for signs of cancer. But despite a doctor's best intentions, the small number of specimens makes it easy to miss diseased lesions.

"What's the likelihood of finding the needle in the haystack?" said Selaru, an assistant professor in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. "Based on a small sample, you can't always draw accurate inferences. We need to be able to do a larger statistical sampling of the tissue. That's what would give us enough statistical power to draw a conclusion, which, in essence, is what we're trying to do with the microgrippers. We could deploy hundreds or even thousands of these grippers to get more samples and a better idea of what kind of or whether a disease is present."

Although each mu-gripper can grab a much smaller tissue sample than larger biopsy tools, the researchers said each gripper can retrieve enough cells for effective microscopic inspection and genetic analysis. Armed with this information, they said, the patient's physician could be better prepared to diagnose and treat the patient.

This approach would be possible through the latest application of the Gracias lab's self-assembling tiny surgical tools, which can be activated by heat or chemicals, without relying on electrical wires, tubes, batteries or tethers. The low-cost devices are fabricated through photolithography, the same process used to make computer chips. Their fingerlike projections are made of materials that would normally curl inward, but the team adds a polymer resin to give the joints rigidity and to keep the digits from closing.

Prior to a biopsy, the grippers are kept on ice, so that the fingers remain in this extended position. An endoscopy tool then is used to insert hundreds of grippers into the area targeted for a biopsy. Within about five minutes, the warmth of the body causes the polymer coating to soften, and the fingers curl inward to grasp some tissue. A magnetic tool is then inserted to retrieve them.

Although the animal testing results are promising, the researchers said the process will require further refinement before human testing can begin. "The next step is improving how we deploy the grippers," Selaru said. "The concept is sound, but we still need to address some of the details. The other thing we need to do is thorough safety studies."

Further development can be costly, however. The team has applied for grants to fund advances in the project, which is protected by provisional patents obtained through the Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer Office. Biotechnology investors might also help move the project forward.

"It is more a question of money than time as to how long it will take before we could use this in human patients," Selaru said


Johns Hopkins University: http://www.jhu.edu

Thanks to Johns Hopkins University for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/127883/Team_deploys_hundreds_of_tiny_untethered_surgical_tools_in_first_animal_biopsies

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Russian court to rule in Pussy Riot member case

ZUBOVA POLYANA, Russia (AP) ? A Russian court is to consider whether one of the jailed Pussy Riot band members is eligible for early release as she has served a half of her two-year sentence.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who has been in custody since her arrest last March, is serving the sentence for the band's irreverent protest against President Vladimir Putin in Moscow's main cathedral.

A court in Zubova Polyana opened the hearings Friday morning as dozens of journalists descended on this small town in the central province of Mordovia, home to a sprawling web of Soviet-era prison camps.

Tolokonnikova and two other female members of the punk band were convicted last year of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred for an anti-Putin performance at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral. One of the women, Yekaterina Samutsevich, has had her sentence suspended on appeal.

Tolokonnikova, 23, dressed in a Soviet-style dark-blue prison uniform with a white scarf around her neck, told the court that the prison colony did not support her plea of early release because she "didn't repent." Russia law does not make repentance a condition for an early release.

Leading Tolokonnikova's defense team is Irina Khrunova who secured Samutsevich's release possible.

Defense lawyers urged the court to release Tolokonnikov so that she can take care of her 5-year-old daughter. Attorney Dmitry Dinze also complained that prison officials seem unable to provide proper conditions to treat her persistent headaches.


Nataliya Vasilyeva contributed to this report from Moscow.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/russian-court-rule-pussy-riot-member-case-070946596.html

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Is your business protected by insurance? - Vanguard


As a business owner, you can?t personally control or eliminate every potential risk that threatens your livelihood. Business insurance can provide the protection against the risks of your business.

Unfortunately, insuring your business is not as simple as insuring your car. Because your business is unique, you?ll need to design a package of insurance that meets your business needs and provides the level of protection you are comfortable with. Your first decision is to decide which types of insurance your business needs.

What is business insurance?
Business Insurance, according to experts, is an extensive name for different coverage available to the business owner to protect against losses and to insure the long-lasting operation of the business.

Business insurance, they say, spreads and manages the risk among many business owners. Insurance companies take in premium payments from several covered businesses, invest those payments, and create a pool of money to pay out to a covered business if that business has a covered loss.

When you talk about business Insurance, many individual,organizations and business owner are reluctant about it. Majority of these business owners view insurance as unnecessary expenses. Business insurance is very important to a business owner. Therefore to protect a business from risks one needs an insurance cover.

According to the experts, the two reasons why every business needs insurance cover are:

1. Company Liability and Disaster:
As many organization and business owners regard business insurance as additional expense yet, is very important. When planing for the company?s monthly and annual budget, you have to budget for business insurance, as you don?t know the kind of problem or catastrophe that might strike your business or the natural disaster that will strike your business location which may lead to the collapse of your business. But with the help business insurance, you are assured that no matter what sort of calamity that be falls your business, you are covered with insurance.

Some of this natural disaster are: earthquake, hurricane. Sometime the business may close up due to the expensive loss, so no matter the size of your business make sure you get business interruption insurance. In some situation the company is held liable for any accident that happen in your place of business, it may be that a customer slips and fall inside your store/office, which might bring trouble to the business especially when the case moves to court, so it will be cool if you get business liability insurance to cover such accident.

2.Litigation and Thieves:
With no doubt companies and business are mainly target of thieves as some of the business equipment can be stolen and resold, so getting replacement insurance for your business it the best idea. In some business that are undergoing their equipment upgrades and may be building renovation are always a target of criminals and ill minded individuals but with the help of insurance, (replacement insurance) you will be remunerated for any loss as a result of theft.

And in some situation were your business is undergoing litigation problem which will give the owner the courage and peace of mind that his business is protected by business liability insurance, professional liability insurance and malpractice insurance. As a business owner you should be prepared as you will not know when someone will sue you. and in situation where you lose you may be ask to pay more than your business capacity. So the best tips to getting ready is to be insured with good and quality insurance company and always work with a good insurance broker

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Source: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2013/04/is-your-business-protected-by-insurance/

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Low Libido ? Hot Article Depot

Bioidentical HRT is a great medical discovery used to successfully address andropause and menopause symptoms. This treatment is being used equally for men and women using different methods. Other than synthetic hormone treatment, bioidentical hrt is the means of providing its candidates with maximum health benefits, while reducing the risks of side effects concerned with this treatment. Using this treatment, one can successfully retain hormonal balances in his or her body. It has brought equal health advantages for both men and women, by giving them relief from all those symptoms that are making them anxious all the time.

Bioidentical HRT is considered a safer and healthier treatment to successfully overcome the deficiency levels of testosterone in men, and estrogen and progesterone in women. Undergoing this treatment helps a woman to get back regularities in her menstrual period, as well as enabling her to control night flashes and insomnia. Going with this treatment is a very successful deal for the sufferer of menopause, as it makes the menopause stage less uncomfortable and hazardous to the woman?s health. Moreover, bioidentical hrt is ready to address other troubles such as libido loss, and it decreases the risks of heart diseases and attacks.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, is considered a more secure as well as healthier treatment to efficiently conquer the deficiency levels of testosterone in men, as well as estrogen as well as progesterone in females. Going with this treatment is a very successful option for the sufferer of menopause, as it makes menopause phase less awkward and also hazardous to the female?s health and wellness.

This treatment is the most frequently recommended treatment for andropause, as well as menopause sufferers, as it helps them a whole lot to increase up production degrees of their sexual hormones around the levels they are normally made in the physique. Adequate development of this bodily hormone is the surest boost in the quality of life.

Undergoing this health treatment will confirm that you are getting better in a quick way by observing a positive change in your overall well-being of health. You will improve your sexual life as well by improving your libido, that will help you taking interest in sexual activities to make your life enjoyable.

Low-Testosterone is a best place to experience the Hormone Replacement therapy. just come to Hormone-Replacement to treat your hormone imbalance.

Source: http://hotarticledepot.com/low-libido/

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Video: House report slams Sec. Clinton on Benghazi (cbsnews)

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Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1706234/frank-ocean-miguel-time-100-gala.jhtml

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How Many FICO Credit Scores Do You Have? | Bankrate.com


FICO: It's the most common credit score used by lenders in existence. But did you know you have more than one? That's right; the world's most popular credit score comes in more flavors than Baskin-Robbins offers in ice cream.

There are older versions and newer ones; there are scores tailored for specific lending purposes, such as mortgages or credit cards; and there are scores custom-made for each of the three major credit reporting bureaus. Even though all these scores share the FICO brand, you likely won't score exactly the same on each one.

"It's probably the No. 1 or No. 2 misunderstanding about credit scores that there (isn't) more than one FICO score," says Kenneth Lin, CEO of credit education website CreditKarma.com. "A consumer literally has three to four dozen FICO credit scores."

But there's no reason to feel lost in FICO's complex credit-scoring universe that contains more scores than you can count on your fingers and toes. Here's a breakdown of the myriad FICO credit scores that lenders may use to judge your creditworthiness and what you can do about it.

Generation gap

Remember when Microsoft introduced Windows 95? Three years later, it followed up with Windows 98. In the years since, we've met Windows 2000, XP, Vista and versions 7 and 8. The main FICO score, known as a general risk credit score, is similar to Windows' evolution, says John Ulzheimer, president of credit education at SmartCredit.com.

The first FICO scores hit the scene in 1989. It (and its descendants) predicted the likelihood a consumer will become 90 days behind on payments over the next 24 months on different debt types. Over the years, the score has been poked, prodded and tweaked from its original formula to account for changes in consumer behavior and the lending landscape, says Frederic Huynh, principal scientist at FICO.

For example, the most current score, FICO 8, introduced in 2009, penalizes isolated late payments less than previous scores but punishes high balances on credit cards more. It ignores collection claims less than $100, and it reduces the benefit of authorized user accounts.

"In general, with every redevelopment, the newer score tends to be more predictive," Huynh says. "It pushes your good players up higher and your bad players down lower."

Still, many lenders stick to older versions of the FICO credit score because they predict well enough, and it's too expensive and time-consuming to change out scoring models, Ulzheimer says.

"It's like replacing a 99-cent gasket deep in your car engine and paying $5,000 in labor to do it," he says.

How many FICO credit scores
do you have?

Grand total: 53FICO produces several generations of its general risk score and its industry-specific credit scores, each one unique to each credit reporting bureau. See the tally of the different generations that each bureau has below.

Source: Bankrate.com.
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Let's get specific

FICO wasn't content with just redeveloping the older scores to be better version of themselves. The company also rejiggered its classic model to hone in on certain types of lending. Out of the machinations came FICO credit scores that predicted mortgage risk, auto loan risk, installment loan risk, credit card risk and personal finance risk (for smaller lenders).

"The score starts off with the base score, which is robust and a good indicator, but takes it one step further to predict how likely a consumer will pay back its auto debt obligation, for example," Huynh says.

These FICO scores have different ranges than the generic risk score, which generally runs between 300 and 850. Otherwise, the three-digit score has a "very similar look and feel" to the classic, says Huynh. The scores still estimate the risk of delinquency over the next two years, but for a certain loan type.

These different flavors of the FICO credit score also have undergone redevelopments over the years, such as the general risk score. That means several generations of the industry-specific scores exist, too.

Multiplied by 3

So FICO has oodles of the general risk score and a boatload of industry-tailored credit scores. Now triple them. FICO tweaks each version of its credit score for each of the three national credit reporting bureaus -- Equifax, Experian and TransUnion -- which sell the scores to lenders and pay royalty fees to FICO.

"The three credit reporting agencies organize their information in different and fundamental ways," says Craig Watts, spokesman for FICO. "We tailor the formula, so it takes the maximum advantage of the bureau's strengths."

Experian and Equifax each provide 16 different FICO credit scores to lenders: five iterations of the general risk score and up to three generations of the five industry scores. TransUnion provides 21 different FICO credit scores to lenders, six versions of the general score and up to four generations of the industry scores.

Some older FICO scores are only available to lenders who have an existing relationship with the credit bureau. New clients (lenders) aren't offered the oldest scores.

So the final tally is 53 FICO credit scores. But that number shouldn't change your financial behavior, says Lin.

"As a consumer, you should focus on paying your bills on time, not getting in over your head and making sure there are no errors in your credit report," he says. "Don't get lost in all the nuances of the different scores."

Source: http://www.bankrate.com/finance/credit/how-many-fico-credit-scores-do-you-have.aspx

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Dogtopia Continues Strong Growth in California ... - Franchising.com

Leading Dog Daycare Franchise Seeking Franchisees Throughout the Region

April 23, 2013 // Franchising.com // TYSONS CORNER, Va. - Dogtopia, a leading national dog daycare and spa franchise, and Thomas Franchise Solutions announced today that they have signed a second regional developer (RD) agreement in California within 30 days and awarded the Orange County, Calif. region to Jan Folk . A seasoned entrepreneur and philanthropist, Folk is the founder of the Orange Dog Foundation, a charity started in Canada that orchestrates "Freedom Flights" transporting abandoned puppies to new homes.

Folk will develop the Orange County region and is now seeking select franchisees to own and operate 13 new Dogtopia locations throughout the area. Target cities for development include Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Seal Beach and Anaheim. Opportunities are available to convert existing dog daycare and boarding facilities to the Dogtopia brand, as well as target key real estate opportunities for new locations throughout Orange County.

"Dogtopia was a natural fit for me because of my years of rescuing dogs in Orange County," said Folk. "I share Dogtopia's dedication to pet charities, as well as passion for community involvement. The company's proven business model and experienced leadership team result in a smart, sustainable investment opportunity for franchisees."

As the company's second RD, Folk is part of Dogtopia's aggressive growth strategy to expand its brand to more than 400 locations across the U.S. and Canada over the next seven years. In October 2012, the company entered into a strategic partnership with Thomas Franchise Solutions, Ltd. (TFS), an investment firm dedicated to guiding and growing select unique franchise concepts. This partnership, as well as the opportunities she saw in the $52 billion U.S. pet industry, attracted Folk to Dogtopia.

"Dogtopia is experiencing solid growth momentum in California with the signing of our second RD and we are confident that our brand has tremendous potential for success across the state," said Amy Nichols, CEO of Dogtopia. "Jan's entrepreneurial spirit, coupled with her passion for animals, makes her an ideal candidate to strategically expand Dogtopia in Orange County and we are looking forward to adding new franchisees to our system."

Since Dogtopia launched in 2002, it has grown to 23 franchise and four company-owned locations nationwide, as well as five locations currently in development. Dogtopia's design mirrors that of a chic, upscale spa. Laid out in a similar manner as a children's daycare facility, Dogtopia has multiple playrooms to suit every dog's personality and size. In addition to daycare and boarding, many Dogtopia locations also offer a spa, self-service dog wash, and a boutique to pamper dogs of all shapes and sizes.

To fuel growth, Dogtopia is now seeking regional developers to expand the brand in major metropolitan areas, including Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, and South Florida. Additionally, British Columbia and Alberta are key target markets in Canada. Candidates should have an affinity for dogs and the skills to grow a successful business within a proven franchise model. Regional developers will be required to open at least one store within the first year of signing then develop additional stores during a scheduled development period, either by opening and operating more units themselves or by recruiting franchisees for their region.

For more information regarding Dogtopia franchise opportunities in Orange County, contact Jan Folk at jfolk1@vzw.blackberry.net or 714-913-7250, or Christy Thom at 714-290-2744.

About Dogtopia

Dogtopia prides itself on being a place where pets are valued as family and dogs enjoy playtime, spa treatments, and overnight stays in a positive environment. Dog owners have the assurance of leaving their pets in the hands of trained professionals while they're at work or away on vacation. Dogtopia associates nurture each and every pet as if it were their own. Each location offers dog daycare, boarding, spa services, and most also have professional grooming. Dogtopia does not breed discriminate and welcomes social dogs of all ages, sizes, and abilities. The company was founded by Amy Nichols in 2002 and began franchising in 2005. Visit www.dogdaycare.com for more information.

About Thomas Franchise Solutions

TFS is a private equity, advisory, and franchise marketing company headquartered in both the United States and Canada. TFS makes capital investments inprivate growth stage companies throughout North America that have franchising as their core expansion strategy. Since 1974, Peter H. Thomas has been a successful franchisee and franchisor, founding Century 21 Canada and developing the Four Seasons Resort in Scottsdale, among many other successful businesses. The TFS Fund and its team have been created specifically to invest in franchise concepts and help them grow exponentially. Additionally, franchise sales teams in the Strategic Marketing Group provide direct regional and unit sales expertise to aid in the development and execution of franchise sales strategies. For more information regarding Dogtopia franchise opportunities across the Untied States and Canada, please contact Mark Horne at Mark@ThomasFranchiseSolutions.com or 602-730-6000. Visit www.dogtopiafranchises.com for more information.

SOURCE Dogtopia


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Source: http://www.franchising.com/news/20130423_dogtopia_continues_strong_growth_in_california_wit.html

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Did brotherly bond play role in Boston bombings?

This Monday, April 15, 2013 photo provided by Bob Leonard shows bombing suspects Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, center right in black hat, and his brother, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, center left in white hat, approximately 10-20 minutes before the blasts that struck the Boston Marathon. It's a vexing puzzle about the Boston Marathon bombings: The younger of the two accused brothers hardly seemed headed for a monumental act of violence. How could he team up with his older brother to do this? Nobody knows for sure, but some experts in sibling research say the powerful bonds that can develop between brothers may have played a role. (AP Photo/Bob Leonard)

This Monday, April 15, 2013 photo provided by Bob Leonard shows bombing suspects Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, center right in black hat, and his brother, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, center left in white hat, approximately 10-20 minutes before the blasts that struck the Boston Marathon. It's a vexing puzzle about the Boston Marathon bombings: The younger of the two accused brothers hardly seemed headed for a monumental act of violence. How could he team up with his older brother to do this? Nobody knows for sure, but some experts in sibling research say the powerful bonds that can develop between brothers may have played a role. (AP Photo/Bob Leonard)

(AP) ? Some experts in sibling research say the powerful bonds that can develop between brothers may have played a role in the actions of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, who died last week in a shootout with police, and his 19-year-old sibling Dzhokhar, are hardly the first brothers involved in criminal acts. Three pairs of brothers were among the 9/11 terrorists and three brothers were convicted in 2008 for planning to attack soldiers at Fort Dix in New Jersey.

Tamerlan seemed to be the dominant sibling in the family, and relatives say he was a role model for his younger brother and sisters.

Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox says in many criminal enterprises where brothers are involved, the leader is "almost always the older brother."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/b2f0ca3a594644ee9e50a8ec4ce2d6de/Article_2013-04-24-US-Boston-Marathon-Brotherly-Bond-/id-7ba2229445794cc3bd376632d7ab04f8

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Stern to 'AGT' judges: 'I'm the star of this show!'

By Ashley Majeski, TODAY contributor

Jason Decrow / AP

?America?s Got Talent? fans can expect to see quite a few changes when the show returns next month. From its new location at Radio City Music Hall in New York, to the addition of judges Mel B and Heidi Klum, it promises to be ?bigger and better than any season" before -- at least that's what judge Howie Mandel said during a panel discussion at the NBC Summer Press Day on Monday.

But while changes are in store, returning judge Howard Stern wanted to make it clear to his new co-stars that one thing is going to stay the same.

?I?m the star of this show,? he said.

Stern was certainly the star of the panel discussion, playfully ribbing Klum for getting the lion?s share of the audience questions.

"(Host) Nick (Cannon) is married to Mariah Carey,? Stern told the audience. ?There are questions to be asked. I have about 50 of them! I'm only answering Heidi questions. Why don't you ask me what it's like to be a mom?"

After Klum explained how she managed to juggle the "AGT," in addition to her ?Project Runway? hosting duties and motherhood, Stern was ready with a few more zingers.

?You're gonna judge, but you're gonna be neglecting your children," he told her.? ?Something?s got to give. You're gonna bring the kids while we're doing the show? All, like, ten of them? That's gonna be fun.?

Klum (who, for the record, only has four kids) seemed unfazed by Stern?s jokes. The former model was eager to let the audience know what she would be bringing to the judging table.

"I feel like I've seen things all over the world,? she said. ?Being married to a musician for eight years, I've seen a lot of things, (and) I want to tell everyone how they're doing. I think it's part of my personality too."

In addition to the new four-judge format, "America's Got Talent" executive producer Sam Donnelly said that viewers will see other modifications this season.

"We're making some changes around the way we do storytelling,? she said. ?They're all subtle changes rather than actual big format ones. Generally it's a freshening up of how we tell stories, some backstage reality. We get to some of these guys (the judges) in more candid moments, which will be interesting. They don't know that yet."

One of the biggest changes will be how the judges' votes will work. With four judges on the panel rather than three, a contestant will now be required to get three ?yes? votes in order to move onto the next round.

?If there are two and two -- two people like the performance and two people don?t like it, that?s a no,? Mandel explained. ?You have to have three ?yes? votes to get through.?

?They?ve also given me complete veto power over the rest of the judges,? Stern teased. ?And I?m going to be topless. Everyone?s thrilled about that.?

While the new season of ?AGT? will be different than any before it, Stern sees no reason to alter the way he presents himself on the show.

?"I'm not bringing anything different,? he said. ?I'm an honest judge; you saw how good I was last season. I'm going to take these six- and seven-year-olds and make them cry!"

?America?s Got Talent? returns to NBC at 9 p.m. on June 4.

Are you looking forward to seeing the new judges in action? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.

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