Tuesday, April 2, 2013

More homes games doubtful in this wet season ? Sedalia News ...

By Mike Phillips
Contributing sportswriter

Will any of our local and area high school baseball teams get any more games in this spring? I would say there are a few schools that probably won?t have many more home games.

I would say Smithton probably won?t play any more at home. With hills on either side of the diamond, there is nothing to stop the water from draining right down onto the field, creating a swamp on the field. Allowing the field to be used during the Smithton Fair doesn?t help any either.

La Monte, Green Ridge and possibly Cole Camp may not have the opportunity for more games at home game this spring. With a grass infield, Northwest might get more games in later in the spring.


Smith-Cotton got its opener in against Camdenton after the original 25 inches of the white stuff fell. Now, Dey Field at Liberty Park Stadium has a new 7-8 inches of snow on top of it.

Have you ever seen a March in which 32 inches of snow fell in Sedalia? Now, snow is in the forecast the next two days.

The Show Me State is a weird one when it comes to weather. I think it was two years ago that we went through the entire Smith-Cotton and summer legion season without a single rainout. You talk about hot. Even watering the field between games with a hose and using the irrigation system overnight didn?t help it. By the middle of summer, the Travelers and Junior Legion team were playing on dead, brown grass.

Same thing with our other spring sports teams: the S-C boys? tennis team has not set foot on the court yet. I don? think the track team has had any meets yet. The Lady Tiger soccer team has played twice, but I would bet that this latest dump of snow, they will not be on Susie Ditzfeld for a while.

It?s been too cold for me to get to any events so far this spring. My diabetes is not handling the cold temperatures very well at all this spring. I feel like a caged Tiger.

I?m going to be leaving town Thursday to visit my girlfriend and her family in Knoxville, Iowa, but keep me loaded down with E-mails. I will return sometime Sunday.

Let?s hope we can get some events in before I get back. I have never seen anything like this. I thought this was supposed to be spring.

I hate to think of the Kansas Jayhawks winning another NCAA title. They are just two games from the Final Four as of this writing. It makes me sick that Missouri had

Bill Self and Quin Snyder in the same hotel and MU chose Snyder Self is a great recruiter. I do think this new MU coach, Frank Hayes is a good coach, but he still has that NCAA investigation hanging over his head from his previous job at Miami

I would like to see KU in the SEC with Mizzou. I don?t think Kansas would dominate the SEC like they do the Big XII.


I still miss my brother Ross Dey. It was so funny to see him waddle up to the score table with his lineup card before every game. It was worth the price of admission to see him get kicked out of games.

Rossy will be gone four years in October.

I remember the one practical joke he and his younger brother Warren pulled on me one afternoon.

Those were the good, old days.


Congratulations to Ryan Benny and Tanner Oelrichs for making all state in basketball.

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Source: http://sedalianewsjournal.com/2013/04/01/more-homes-games-doubtful-in-this-wet-season/

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