Sunday, July 1, 2012

How You Can Quit Smoking For Good |

To help you quit smoking, you should go to use a stop smoking aide. There are many aides available on the market which you can purchase at your local pharmacy. These aides can help relax your cravings while you are going through the quitting process. With the use of help, more than likely you will continue to smoke.

Put aside the money you would have normally spent on cigarettes, and save it for something that you really want, like a new outfit, some nice furniture, or a weekend away. Not only will you be feeling healthier, but you?ll soon see how much money you can save now that you?re not smoking.

Though aversion therapies have gotten a bad rap recently, they do sometimes work in helping you to stop smoking. They do not need to be extravagant methods and you don?t need to pay a therapist to employ aversion techniques. Try the simple things, such as permeating your favorite sweater with the smoke from that last cigarette you smoke. Then reach for it after not smoking for a day or two; you will be appalled at the offensive odor that you have been subjecting yourself and others to on a daily basis.

Cigarette cravings are unpleasant, but you can push yourself out of one with enough willpower. Next time you crave a cigarette, try this tip: Focus on your favorite place, right down to the very last detail. This can be anything, so really use your imagination. By the time you have finished painting this portrait in your mind, you will have pushed past your craving.

Do not try to set a day to quit. Instead of trying to make a plan, quit today. This sort of planning nearly never works and it will lead to disappointment. Start quitting right away, rather than trying to create an imaginary timeline for yourself. Take action and you will get where you want to be.

When you are trying to quit smoking, do not attempt to do it overnight. Nicotine addiction is powerful, and it is going to take you some time to wean yourself off of it. You are much more likely to relapse if you quit cold turkey, so take it slow and get it right the first time.

Help yourself stop smoking by only allowing yourself to smoke a certain amount of cigarettes a day. You can do this by deciding the day before how many you will have the next day. This will keep you from going over that set amount every day and cut back on smoking.

Cut your caffeine intake in half. Somehow, nicotine cuts the effectiveness of caffeine in half, so after quitting, soda and coffee will be doubly effective. Drop your consumption of these so that you don?t cause your anxiety to become even worse than it already is at this difficult time.

Using some type of nicotine replacement is a good way to slowly ease your addiction to smoking when you?re trying to quit. Nicotine replacements come in many forms, including lozenges, gum, and patches that can be worn on the body. These products give your body a small dose of nicotine, which eases cravings for using tobacco products.

To help you quit smoking, some people say that eating low calorie snack foods is very effective. Try purchasing mini carrots, cut up broccoli, cauliflower, dried fruit, low calorie cereal, or sugar-free candy. Consuming any of these items when you have the desire to smoke can help control cravings and keep your mouth busy.

It is true that there are many reasons that motivate people to quit smoking. But motivation alone is not usually the way to success. A successful plan to quit smoking involves motivation and tricks to help you when the going gets rough. Use the tips from above and you will find that becoming a non smoker is within your reach.

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