Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Implications of the New Eurozone Financial Transaction Supra ...

By John Browne

Although it was barely noticed by the American press, on January 22nd, EU finance ministers approved a new "Financial Transactions Tax" (FTT)?that has implications for market competitiveness around the world.?

The move was conceived as a Franco-German initiative and was supported by seven other EU nations, including the entire bloc of highly indebted southern tier nations, to reach the minimum nine nations required to press?ahead under the EU's so-called, 'enhanced co-operation procedures'. If at least one of the transacting parties involved is an EU resident, the tax will impose a one tenth of one percent tax (on both sides of a financial transaction) on secondary market trades in equities, bonds, securities and REPOS. Derivatives will be taxed at a lower one hundredth percent.?

Although limited presently in scope and at an apparently low rate, the tax will nevertheless provide an extra layer of financial bureaucracy that will dissuade some market participants from transacting in the Eurozone. It should be patently obvious that transactional fluidity is supportive of efficient markets and ultimately of economic growth. It is only in the poisonous, anti-capitalist, post-crisis environment that such a measure could be passed. More importantly, the measure is a "supra national" tax that helps to pave the way towards a global taxation system. Not only will such a system be economically damaging, but it will be devoid largely of effective democratic accountability.?

In its March 2011 tax meeting in Brussels, the EU had originally proposed a "Financial Activities Tax" (FAT), a more comprehensive, and potentially more destructive, EU-wide measure. The opposition to the tax was so fierce, most notably from Great Britain, that the FTT was proposed as a compromise.?

Ignoring the role of the central banks in the financial debacle, the German Finance Minister?commented lamely that, "The financial sector must appropriately participate in bearing the cost of the financial crisis."?According to the EU's Tax Commissioner, Algridas Semeta, the FTT decision was a "major achievement for EU tax policies." Those who believe, as I do, that the EU's covert intent is to erode the traditional independence of the world's financial markets, particularly the dominance of London and New York, certainly share those sentiments.?

In an economic impact analysis running to over 1,000 pages, the EU Commission estimated that the FTT would raise $76 billion annually. The commission admitted that this would cause a 10 percent drop in securities transactions, a 70 percent fall in derivatives trading and result in a loss to the EU's GDP of some 0.53 percent. All this in an EU economy struggling now to prevent a recession falling into a depression! Of course, the Commission failed to consider any resulting lost tax revenues implied by a fall in GDP.

On its face, it was clear that the idea for both the FAT and the FTT was a product of left wing ideology of soaking the so-called rich, but devoid of any real understanding of how free markets operate.

If such a tax were imposed in single country market, in the UK for instance, it would encourage a massive flow of business to other national markets. The EU must feel that its size and status will protect it from such an eventuality. Few suspect that the FTT will offer economic benefits that would outweigh the harm it will impose. But that is not the criteria by which the measure will be judged by EU leadership. What if FTT is designed not as a tax to encourage more responsible investing, ?but as a covert weapon to win political control of Europe??

FTT is a supra national tax imposed on top, and independent of, national financial taxes. Once the infrastructure to enforce and collect the tax is established, the tax rates can be raised relatively easily. Most importantly, once such supra national taxes are established, they suffer from very little if any democratic supervision.?

EU Tax Commissioner, Algirdas Semeta, has said that the Commission has arrived at a means of levying a tax that prevents investors from relocating. The tax will be imposed on both the buyer and the seller of a financial instrument so long as either of the two parties is based within any participating EU country. This means that even investors in London or New York accustomed to paying only their domestic taxes may not escape the new tax completely.?

At a time when governments should be encouraging the free flow of capital, this measure moves us exactly in the wrong direction. Combined with the heightened regulatory scrutiny in the United States (President Obama's appointment last week of the first former federal prosecutor to head the Securities and Exchange Commission), the move bolsters the belief that the West will likely cede financial market leadership to the freer and more vibrant markets in the Pacific.?

John Browne is a Senior Economic Consultant to Euro Pacific Capital. Opinions expressed are those of the writer, and may or may not reflect those held by Euro Pacific Capital, or its CEO, Peter Schiff.


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Do You Need Real Estate Marketing Software? | Market Leader

There is nothing worse than dropping a lead only to find that shortly thereafter that lead bought or sold a property with another agent. That smack upside the head tells you that it?s time to invest in a system.

It?s all about lead management. It doesn?t do you any good to generate new leads if you aren?t following up on the leads you already have. Cultivating these leads takes time, and staying in touch is a critical aspect of this cultivation.

real estate marketing softwareConsider this: Most homebuyers spend one day choosing an agent and typically choose the agent that is close-at-hand. A good software system that allows you to be in touch with former clients and prospects on a consistent basis ensures that you are the agent that is closest at hand.

Getting leads, following up with those leads, and turning them into listings and sales requires organization. The best way to get organized is to spend the money on a solid system and then take the time to set it up. Once you?ve done that, if you?ve purchased the right system, you can forget it. Set it and forget it ? who doesn?t like the sound of that?

Think about riding a bike. A bicycle is a tool that makes getting from one place to another faster and easier than walking. You get on, push the pedals and away you go. Underlying your actions, though, a whole host of mechanical stuff is going on that you don?t even have to think about. The gears, chain, pedals and brakes are all separate elements that work together to produce the desired outcome: you getting somewhere quickly and easily.

The same can be said for automated real estate marketing software. The right one ? one that integrates your customer relationship management (CRM) system with your marketing plan ? allows you to follow up with leads just by pushing the pedals. You?ll have no more dropped or lost leads ? they?ll remain in the system until they ?list or die.?

Best of all, once you decide to take control and stop allowing your business to run you, you?ll be rewarded with the knowledge of a full pipeline of cultivated leads and more free time.

Pennsylvania agent Erika Ramus says it?s not enough to determine that you need real estate marketing software; you also need to commit yourself to using it. If the software you choose is too cumbersome, you may just decide to opt out, so set yourself up for success by investigating the various products available and choosing the one that offers the features you want.

For instance, Florida agent Lilo Clacher prefers software that offers stunning templates, while fellow Floridian Katrina Madewell appreciates a robust back-end lead management system.

With all the technology at a real estate professional?s fingertips there is simply no excuse for keeping your leads on a spreadsheet or (gasp!) in a binder, shoved into a drawer until you have a few minutes to make a follow-up call or two. ?The fortune is in the follow-up,? and the follow-up depends on a rock solid system.



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GPS Guide: Sister Jenna's Light-Restoring Guided Meditation

The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life -- and your well-being -- off course. GPS For The Soul can help you find your way back to balance.

GPS Guides are our way of showing you what has relieved others' stress in the hopes that you will be able to identify solutions that work for you. We all have de-stressing "secret weapons" that we pull out in times of tension or anxiety, whether they be photos that relax us or make us smile, songs that bring us back to our heart, quotes or poems that create a feeling of harmony, or meditative exercises that help us find a sense of silence and calm. We encourage you to look at the GPS Guide below, visit our other GPS Guides here, and share with us your own personal tips for finding peace, balance and tranquility.

In the GPS Guide below, Sister Jenna leads a guided meditation to restore your inner strength. Follow along, then let us know if you feel revitalized post-meditation in the comments below.

The Link to Restoring Power from Within

If "He" came gently onto the screen of my mind, what would "He" say?

In our constant search to find meaning, purpose and happiness, our outer search always sends us back inside ourselves to truly listen to what is real and pure. These slides of Light will offer a peaceful yet powerful experience of our link back to Source, to the Divine, to God, to Light.

When the soul remembers the link, this link becomes the way to delete past memories and hurts that we have picked up along the journey that no longer serve us. Our lives are valuable: To be at peace with the self is a great power in the 21st century. Meditating on the Source of Love, Light, and Peace will restore the souls' power and wisdom. The time is now to reignite our power and use it to make our lives and our world a better place. May these images of God's light empower and enrich your every moment.

  • More Guided Mediation: Letting Go

Sister Jenna has moved and shaped the consciousness of lives around the world. She has traveled to over 80 countries to raise awareness of the self and the Divine. It has saved lives. Her wisdom, peace, and compassion for humanity are expressed through the variety of initiatives she spearheads for youths, women, governments, and communities. She is someone who herself has come from self destructive patterns and turned that into courage and service to humanity.

For more GPS Guides, click here.

For more on meditation, click here.

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Catholic University Will Keep Fighting Mandate After Defeat

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 1/30/13 1:27 PM

Catholic University says it will keep fighting the Obamcare HHS mandate that compels religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions after a court dismissed its lawsuit against the mandate.

In a decision rendered on Friday a federal judge dismissed their lawsuit against the government as premature. The judge, from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, issued an opinion saying Catholic University and four organizations that joined its lawsuit filed the suit prematurely because they are not yet adversely affected until the Obama administration finalizes planned changes to the mandate.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, a President Barack Obama appointee, dismissed the case filed by The Archdiocese of Washington, The Catholic University of America, Consortium of Catholic Academies, Archbishop Carroll High School, and Catholic Charities of D.C.

Judge Jackson said, ?If after the new regulations are issued, plaintiffs are still not satisfied, any challenges that they choose to bring will be substantially different from the challenges in the current complaint.?

The judge noted that the Obama administration extended a ?safe harbor? clause to religious non-profits that delayed enforcement of the mandate until August 1.

?While we are disappointed by the decision, we are not discouraged in the least because the judge based her dismissal solely on procedural? grounds; she? did not rule nor make any judgments on the merits of our case,? Catholic University said in response to the decision.

The National Catholic Register provides more details on the ruling.



In a Jan. 25 ruling, U.S. district judge Amy Berman Jackson?s determined that the Archdiocese of Washington?s lawsuit was not ?ripe? for consideration.

However, she cited the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals? Dec. 18 decision that said the Obama administration must be held accountable for its promise to revise the mandate as it applies to objection religious organizations.

That decision had similarly dismissed a lawsuit from Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina and Wheaton College, a Protestant Christian institution in Illinois. The appeals court dismissed the case on the grounds of ripeness, pointing to the government?s claims during oral arguments that it would ?never? enforce the mandate in its current form against religious institutions with moral objections.

Government lawyers said there will be ?a different rule for entities like the appellants,? the appeals court said, adding that it takes this claim ?as a binding commitment.?

?This court finds no reason why the circuit court?s decision should not apply equally to the facts of this case,? Jackson said. ?The court notes that it has construed the government?s representations as a binding commitment and it would not look favorably upon the government?s failure to comply.?


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Microbes Survive, and Maybe Thrive, High In the Atmosphere find life in places that they hadn't previously considered that they'd find it.

Yet, on the other hand, a lot of science fiction has covered such topics. Even HG Wells' War of the Worlds concludes with the deaths of the Martians, all of them , because of bacterial contamination and the lack of immunity. For all to have died, simply getting into contact with flora and fauna wouldn't be enough, it'd have to be airborne.

Amusingly enough, there's probably life on Mars right now. If it wasn't ther


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Egypt opposition leader wants national dialogue

AAA??Jan. 30, 2013?5:18 AM ET
Egypt opposition leader wants national dialogue

FILE - In this Monday, Aug. 13, 2012 file photo, Egyptian Minister of Defense, Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, left, meets with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of mourners chanting for the downfall of Egypt's president marched in funerals again Tuesday in the restive city of Port Said as the army chief warned the state could collapse if the latest political crisis drags on. (AP Photo/Egyptian Presidency, File)

FILE - In this Monday, Aug. 13, 2012 file photo, Egyptian Minister of Defense, Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, left, meets with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of mourners chanting for the downfall of Egypt's president marched in funerals again Tuesday in the restive city of Port Said as the army chief warned the state could collapse if the latest political crisis drags on. (AP Photo/Egyptian Presidency, File)

FILE - In this Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 file photo, smoke rises after Egyptian protesters clash with police, unseen, in Port Said, Egypt. Thousands of mourners chanting for the downfall of Egypt's president marched in funerals again Tuesday in the restive city of Port Said as the army chief warned the state could collapse if the latest political crisis drags on. (AP Photo, File)

Egyptian riot police fire tear gas at protesters, not seen, during clashes in front of the Semiramis Intercontinental hotel, background near Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt,Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013. Since Saturday, the Nile-side Semiramis Intercontinental has been on the front line of clashes between riot police and angry youths, with both sides throwing stones at each other along the city?s famed Corniche promenade while tear gas wafted several stories up inside the building. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Egyptian protesters clash with riot police near Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013. Intense fighting for days around central Tahrir Square engulfed two landmark hotels and forced the U.S. Embassy to suspend public services on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Egyptian riot police rest during clashes with anti-government protesters, not seen, near Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt,Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013. Intense fighting for days around central Tahrir Square engulfed two landmark hotels and forced the U.S. Embassy to suspend public services on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

CAIRO (AP) ? Egypt's liberal opposition leader has called for a broad national dialogue with the Islamist government, all political factions and the powerful military after the latest eruption of political violence left 60 dead over the past week.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei made the appeal on Wednesday, a day after the military warned the country could collapse under the weight of this turmoil.

President Mohammed Morsi, who was making a brief visit to Germany on Wednesday despite the crisis at home, has declared a state of emergency and night curfew in three restive provinces along the Suez Canal. But residents have defied the curfew since it took effect.

Morsi authorized governors of the three provinces to either cancel or limit curfew hours in an attempt to assuage public anger.

Associated Press


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Iverson rules out basketball return in D-League

Allen Iverson has turned down an opportunity to return to basketball with the Dallas Mavericks' Development League affiliate.

Iverson posted a series of tweets on Tuesday explaining his decision to decline an offer from the Texas Legends. Iverson, the 2001 NBA MVP with the Philadelphia 76ers, says, "While I think the D-League is a great opportunity, it is not the route for me."

Gary Moore, Iverson's manager, confirmed the decision with The Associated Press. Iverson was not available for an interview.

Iverson also wrote, "I realize my actions contributed to my early departure from the NBA." The 37-year-old Iverson has not played in the NBA since the 2009-10 season. He had a brief stop with a professional team in Turkey and has played exhibition games in China.

Dallas' Dirk Nowitzki recently passed Iverson for 18th on the NBA's career scoring list.

Associated Press


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Link found between insulin sensitivity, cells' powerhouses: Mice with mitochondrial mutation live longer, have less fat

Jan. 28, 2013 ? If findings of a new study in mice are any indication, it might be possible to fine-tune cellular powerhouses called mitochondria, tweaking one aspect to increase insulin sensitivity, reduce body and fat mass, and even extend life. Exploiting this target could one day lead to novel treatments for type 2 diabetes -- an endocrine system disease that affects 8 percent of the U.S. population. The research also points to promising new avenues of investigation in the biology of aging.

The study, reported in The FASEB Journal by authors from the School of Medicine at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio and the university's Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, found that diminished activity of a protein complex involved in mitochondrial function was associated with healthy changes in the mice. The median life span of this strain of mice is 20 percent longer.


"This is an unexpected finding because you would think that something that decreases mitochondrial function would have a damaging effect, but instead we saw an increase in life span and beneficial metabolic effects," said lead author Deepa Sathyaseelan, Ph.D., research assistant professor of cellular and structural biology in the School of Medicine.

"The most important thing we noticed is reduced body weight and decreased fat mass in the mice," Dr. Sathyaseelan said. "We found that this decreased fat mass is due to increased fat utilization."

Fat utilization

Mitochondria produce an energy source called ATP that is necessary for the functions of life, everything from breathing to thinking. Additionally the cellular powerhouses are a major site of fat utilization, said study senior author Holly Van Remmen, Ph.D., professor of cellular and structural biology. Fat is an endocrine organ that performs many functions, and having it in the correct proportions is important for the body. Too much or too little fat is harmful.

The scientists also observed that mice with the mutation, in contrast to control animals, make greater numbers of new mitochondria. This is important because cells are constantly remodeling themselves, including mitochondrial overhaul.


Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs with age and is associated with many age-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Dr. Sathyaseelan said the study "opens the door to new clues about how mitochondrial function might modulate insulin sensitivity," representing an important step for diabetes research.

Type 2 diabetes involves abnormalities with insulin, a hormone secreted by beta cells in the pancreas. Insulin helps the body store and use sugar from food, but in type 2 diabetes the body is insulin resistant, that is, it inefficiently responds to the hormone. With time the beta cells in diabetic patients start to die, resulting in less insulin to handle the demands. Levels of the hormone become progressively lower and sugar levels are increased progressively, damaging blood vessels and organs.

Understanding longevity

"I would also like to point out that these mice live longer," Dr. Van Remmen said. "For us they are very important from an aging standpoint. We want to understand how these animals can have added longevity, yet have a 60 percent reduction in a protein complex involved in mitochondrial function."

Dr. Sathyaseelan noted that life extension in association with decrease of the complex's activity is seen across species, including roundworms and flies. Shane Rea, Ph.D., assistant professor of physiology at the Barshop Institute, is one of the first to make this discovery in the worms.

The Barshop Institute team obtained the study mice from an Italian institute where studies are ongoing. Dr. Sathyaseelan recently received a two-year, $140,000 grant from the American Heart Association to understand how mitochondrial dysfunction is related to insulin sensitivity.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. S. S. Deepa, D. Pulliam, S. Hill, Y. Shi, M. E. Walsh, A. Salmon, L. Sloane, N. Zhang, M. Zeviani, C. Viscomi, N. Musi, H. Van Remmen. Improved insulin sensitivity associated with reduced mitochondrial complex IV assembly and activity. The FASEB Journal, 2012; DOI: 10.1096/fj.12-221879

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Randy Couture will coach on Bellator reality series

Randy Couture is a member of the UFC Hall of Fame. He fought in the Octagon 23 times, and held the heavyweight and light heavyweight UFC belts. But according to a report from Sports Illustrated, his next move will be with Bellator.

Couture has reportedly signed on to do multiple projects with Viacom, the media conglomerate that has a major stake in Bellator and owns Spike TV, Bellator's TV partner. Couture's first project will be to coach on an upcoming MMA reality TV series.

This won't be Couture's first time in that role. Along with Chuck Liddell, Couture was a coach on the first season of "The Ultimate Fighter." That show helped catapult the UFC to the level it is on today.

Bellator is smartly banking on Couture's popularity as a fighter and an actor to help grow their promotion.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Personal Finance Organization For Smarties | Off Topic

Posted by Sandy Kemsley on January 27, 2013 in productivity | ?

This is not a post for dummies or idiots: this is for smart people who want to take control of their personal finances. I?m inspired to start a series on personal and small business productivity based on the positive response to my post on a paperless small office ? I use exactly the same methods for keeping paperless personal files as well, so that?s a good place to start.

This post is about keeping your personal finances organized, not about budgeting or investing (which you can read about in a variety of other places), so covers more about the paperwork and tracking of finances.

Here?s how I keep my personal finances organized:

  • I use credit or debit cards for almost all purchases. Since these transactions are downloaded and categorized (see next point), it lets me see exactly what I?m spending on what. If you?re going to do any budgeting, this is essential.
  • I enter/download every financial transaction into Quicken. You can use a different package, but my point is, get it all in one place. I?ve been using Quicken for many years, and once I got over the initial chore of setting up my accounts and got into the routine of updating it frequently, it?s become my primary source for information about my finances as well as a huge timesaver when I?m doing monthly expense reports and annual tax returns. It tracks my bank accounts, credit cards, investment accounts (both taxable and retirement), lines of credit, money owing to/from my small business, and even my assets such as my condo. It?s really valuable for seeing when I need to move funds from one account to another, such as from a savings account to a brokerage account to make a new investment. One thing that I do not track is what I do with cash once I withdraw it from the bank: I just show the withdrawal transaction. I?m not that anal, and since I use credit or debit for most purchases, my cash spending is pretty minimal.
  • I monitor my finances frequently, usually only spending a few minutes at a time. Once I was organized, it was really easy to just start monitoring any changes to my finances:
    • I download bank and credit card transactions directly from my banking site into Quicken and check for any unusual transactions every couple of days, rather than waiting for my monthly statement. Several years ago, when I was just moving back from the US to Canada, this helped me spot a forged cheque drawn on my US bank account and uncover the underlying identity theft before it could spread, all within two days of the cheque being cashed. Recently, although this is quite rare, I found a duplicate transaction for an airport limousine service on my credit card, which I then called Visa and had reversed. If I hadn?t been tracking the transactions, and had a way to search through old transactions, I likely wouldn?t have noticed the transaction on my monthly statement since I take a lot of airport limos and occasionally misplace receipts.
    • I apply meaningful categories to transactions in Quicken. Since this is my primary source of financial information, I make sure that (for example) a business expense on my personal credit card is categorized as such, so that I will catch it in my month-end expense report. Quicken is smart enough to auto-categorize transactions that it recognizes when downloading, so it knows that a charge from Fido is a business telecommunications expense, not a personal expense.
    • I enter investment transactions manually (my discount brokerage doesn?t support manual downloads of these) at least once a week. If I actively make a trade, then I enter it immediately, but I use the other times to record things such as dividends and fees on my accounts. When I notice that the cash balance of any investment accounts gets above $100 from accrued dividends, I immediately reinvest it into a money market fund since my brokerage doesn?t pay interest on a cash balance, which earns me a bit of extra cash each month.
  • I reconcile my investment accounts to the monthly statements. Although I regularly enter transactions, I still reconcile to the statement since it allows me to compare the number of shares/units held of an investment as of the statement date, to ensure that I didn?t miss any transactions during manual entry. I don?t do this with bank statements, since I have them set to auto-reconcile every time transactions are downloaded, which alerts me to any difference between the online and Quicken balance.
  • I use automated debit for recurring payments whenever possible. This includes everything from property taxes to phone bills to my credit card, which I pay in full every month. I set these up as recurring payments in Quicken, which then reminds me when these are coming up in case I need to move funds around to cover payments. I never pay late fees or interest charges because I forgot to pay something on time.
  • I track expenses as they occur, and capture the receipts. I use a spreadsheet for tracking business expenses, although there are a number of good applications out there such as Expensify. I haven?t found one that?s quite flexible enough for me, since I often have multiple currencies as well as monthly recurring expenses such as internet. If a receipt is available online (usually), I download it right away, or I scan the paper receipt. By the time I get to the end of the month, usually all I need to do is check Quicken for any business expenses that I might have missed (I have a custom report saved in Quicken to display transactions from the business expense categories), create a PDF of the expense report and attach the scanned (or downloaded) PDF receipts. For personal expenses, I only scan the paperwork if I might need it, such as for a product warranty. An example: today, I received my property tax bill in the mail. It?s already set up for pre-authorized monthly payments, so I opened Quicken and added the five recurring payments noted on the bill: they will automatically show up as a reminder in my Quicken cheque register three days before the automatic payment is made, giving me time to transfer funds if I need to. I then scanned the bill, added the resulting PDF document to my condo tax folder, and shredded the document. Total time, less than five minutes, and this was a complicated transaction because it involved recurring payments for a half-year of taxes. I also discovered by reading a bill insert that I can receive future tax bills via, so I signed up for that: from now on, I?ll receive my tax bills electronically and won?t need to scan them.
  • I use online money transfers for one-off payments whenever possible. Between this and using credit/debit, I no longer write personal cheques. I have some stashed away just in case, but typically only use them as proof of my banking information when I?m setting up for automated debits. It?s easier than writing cheques, and all the details of the transaction are right there in my bank account and downloaded to Quicken for easy tracking.

A huge part of my personal finance organization is around my use of Quicken. I also use QuickBooks for my small business, since it has better accounting features such proper double-entry accounting and a general journal, but that is completely separate from my personal finances since my company is incorporated. Transactions between myself and my company ? payroll and expenses ? are the same as with any employee and business, although the timing of my paycheque is a bit more sporadic. I do most of my company purchasing using my personal credit card (for the airline points) and submit an expense report each month.

As with the paperless office (and home) methods that I discussed in the previous post, this might seem a bit daunting to start. There?s really just two things to do, however: first, start changing habits to use direct debit, online payments and the other paperless (and automated) techniques; this is a one-time effort, probably spread over a couple of months as you figure out where all your transactions are occurring. Second, start using personal finance software such as Quicken by picking a point in time ? like January 1st ? and entering your account balances as of that date, then all new transactions from that date forward; there?s an initial effort to set this up, but then it?s just a matter of setting aside 30 minutes each week to download or enter new transactions, and reconcile accounts.

Tags: finance


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New brain imaging test -- showing that former Israeli prime minister -- sure roan. In a coma now for seven years. Might be able to hear and understand. The 84 year old Toronto has been in a vegetative state since his stroke and 2006. A team of Israeli and American scientists conducted a two hour test to gauge -- roads tactile stimulation. We tested. Three different -- doesn't consent sort of moved on it is is some talk to him this is the auditorium -- -- -- -- we -- in -- of the family this is the visual. And we touched him and he's nearest -- team. In its hands. And we tested the different -- -- it is indeed in all of the Madonna does the -- Reacted to the external donation. Which means that the information -- into the brain. And walls and realized what was processed within his brain.


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Mia Love Reassures the GOP: I'm Sticking Around

MIa Love, the Republican mayor of Sarasota Springs, Utah, wowed conservatives in Tampa at the Republican National Convention this summer. After a failed fall campaign that resulted in losing a congressional race to Democratic Rep. Jim Matheson, she's again making an appeal to conservatives.

"I will stay--I don't know what I will be doing-- but I promise you I will stay in this fight to make sure our children have a prosperous future," Love said Sunday at the National Review Institute summit in Washington.

Asked whether she is considering running for Congress again, Love told National Journal she has not decided. "I'm keeping my options open," she said in an interview.

In her brief speech, Love embraced core conservative principles and offered advice on how the party should rehabilitate its image after the failed campaigns of 2012--a key theme at the weekend-long conference.

"We need to remind everyone that the GOP was originally formed to end slavery. ? We're trying to end slavery from the federal government," she said.

At a conference that focused heavily on the Republican Party's need to update its message and change its tone so that it can win national elections, Love, who is black, represents a deep bench potential candidates who can sell the GOP's message to minorities, who vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.?

Love lost to Matheson by just over 1 percentage point in November in deeply conservative Utah.


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Appnet gives users 10GB of cloud storage, its File API to set social data free

We thought had eyes only for Twitter when the project was funded and garnered its first 20,000 customers. Today, a post on the company blog reveals that its sights are set much higher than mere messaging. Rather than provide just an ad-free alternative to Twitter, it turns out plans to become a social app platform through its new File API and cloud storage services. The API gives devs the tools needed to build any and all social applications they can dream up -- from photo sharing apps to collaboration tools.

Additionally, is giving annual and dev accounts a 10GB cloud locker. That storage can, in turn, be leveraged for simple file sharing by users and as a repository for social data that can be accessed by apps built with the API. So, photos, messages and other info from an account can be fully controlled by users and can be accessed by any social app they choose. This is a stark contrast to Facebook or Google+, where access to such data is controlled by those companies. Of course, the new platform's only as good as its apps, so interested devs should head on down to the source, grab the API, and get started building the next-gen social network.

Filed under:


Via: The Verge

Source: API Documentation, Blog, Github


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Health care among early leaders in the S&P 500

NEW YORK (AP) ? Health care stocks have started off the year on a tear.

The industry group that includes health care providers, drugmakers and biotechnology companies has advanced 7.3 percent this year, making it the second-best in the Standard and Poor's 500 index, trailing only energy companies. Even drugmakers, traditionally considered a safe-haven play, are outperforming the market.

The rally has solid foundations, but not all companies will benefit equally from the influx of cash. Also, the wide range of stocks in the sector offer investors vastly differing risk and return dynamics.

U.S. health care spending is projected to climb at a faster pace than economic growth in coming years as the population ages and President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act gives millions of Americans greater access to care.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services projects that total health care spending will rise 70 percent over last year's estimated level of $2.8 trillion to $4.8 trillion by 2021. That's almost 20 percent of U.S. gross domestic product.

"There's just a lot more money flowing into health care and we're seeing the markets react accordingly," says Derek Taner, a portfolio manager at Invesco.

President Obama's re-election in November gave the sector a boost by removing the uncertainty surrounding the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Republican candidate Mitt Romney had said that he would overturn the act if elected.

The biggest beneficiaries of the act will likely be hospital companies, which have the potential to increase their earnings significantly, says Taner, who manages Invesco's Global Health Care fund.

So-called managed-care companies should also benefit from the increase in spending, though they also face higher taxes and restrictions on how they can price their coverage, so the law will be challenging to them too.

HCA Holdings Inc., a bellwether for the hospital industry, has gained 25 percent so far this year. Tenet Healthcare Corp., a Dallas-based operator of acute care hospitals, has advanced 20 percent.

Drugmakers, often regarded as defensive growth companies by analysts, are also emerging from the doldrums after lagging the broader index for much of the last decade.

Pfizer Inc., the world's biggest drugmaker by revenue, has returned 31 percent over the last 10 years, compared with 113 percent for the S&P 500.

The big pharmaceutical companies were shunned by investors as they faced challenges from rising research costs and the economic slump in Europe, which prompted governments to try to rein in health care spending.

Drug companies were also hurt by what the industry dubbed the "patent cliff," as an unprecedented number of patents expired on drugs worth billions of dollars in sales. The expiration of patents allows cheaper generic versions of drugs to replace blockbuster products. That hurts sales.

Pfizer lost exclusivity for its cholesterol-fighting drug Lipitor in the U.S. in November 2011. In its most recent earnings report, Pfizer said that U.S. revenues from the drug plunged 87 percent in the third quarter of 2012 to $192 million. The company will release its fourth-quarter earnings Tuesday.

The worst of the impact of patent expiration may now be over for the drugmakers, and the market has already factored it into stock prices, says Mark Bussard, a health care analyst at fund manager T. Rowe Price.

"The 'patent cliff' for most of the companies has now come and gone," says Bussard, who is a physician by training. "Some of the largest losses to generic competition are in the rear-view mirror now."

Approvals for first-of-a-kind drugs have also been climbing as drugmakers continue to pursue an emerging business model focused on treatments for rare and hard-to-treat diseases.

The Food and Drug Administration approved 39 new drugs last year, up from 30 the year before and the highest annual tally since 1997, when the agency also approved 39 drugs.

In addition to being relatively low-risk investments, due to the steady demand for drugs, Big Pharma also pays big dividends.

The largest drug companies in the S&P 500 have higher dividend yields than the broader index, which yields 2.1 percent. Pfizer currently has a 3.6 percent yield and Merck & Co. yields 4 percent.

Biotechnology companies are possibly the most exciting companies in the sector and are also advancing.

Investing in this sector can be challenging, though, as the vast majority of drugs being developed don't work out.

"It's probably unwise ... to try to pick the individual winner," says Sam Isaly, the manager of Eaton Vance's Worldwide Health Sciences Fund. "It depends on whether you're a lotto player or not."

While the Affordable Care Act ensures that money will flow into the industry in the near term, that spending can't keep rising exponentially. At some point, the focus will turn to the cost of the reforms, particularly if the initial spending estimates are exceeded, causing renewed uncertainty for the industry.

"That's a longer-term concern that is going to come into play at some point," says Invesco's Taner. "Right now we're in the honeymoon period. People aren't thinking about that."

And if history is a guide, the cost estimates will likely prove too low.

Upon passing the Medicare bill in 1965, the House Ways and Means Committee estimated total program expenditures would amount to $1.3 billion in 1967. That estimate proved to be "wildly optimistic," with the actual cost coming in at $4.6 billion, according to research by Citigroup health care analysts.

To counter the rising costs, governments and employers will increasingly try to shift more of the cost to individual consumers, transforming the industry from an "employer-driven insurance market" to an "employee-driven consumer market," says Eddie Yoon of Fidelity.

"The companies that are the most innovative in helping drive costs down are going to be the growth companies of tomorrow," says Yoon, who manages the investment firm's Select Health Care Portfolio.


AP Business Writers Matthew Perrone and Linda Johnson contributed.


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Raw Five-Point Preview: Jan. 28, 2013

All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. ? 2012 WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website is based in the United States. By submitting personal information to this website you consent to your information being maintained in the U.S., subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. law may be different than the law of your home country. WrestleMania XXIX (NY/NJ) logo TM & ? 2012 WWE. All Rights Reserved. The Empire State Building design is a registered trademark and used with permission by ESBC.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Russian ex-dissident and prison rights activist Abramkin dies

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Valery Abramkin, a former Soviet dissident, nuclear scientist and rights activist who was held for years in the Siberian gulag and campaigned for prison reform in Vladimir Putin's Russia, has died, his colleagues said on Saturday.

Abramkin, 66, head of the Moscow Center For Prison Reform and a member of the Moscow Helsinki rights group and Putin's Presidential Rights Council, died late on Friday after a long illness.

"(Abramkin) sincerely strove to contribute to the development and humanization of national legislation, the strengthening of the modern system of protecting human rights and freedoms of citizens," Putin wrote in a condolence telegram cited by the Kremlin's press service.

An advocate of civil liberties and reforms in the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s, he served six years in prisons and in a Siberian colony for "anti-Soviet propaganda," before being sent to exile to the Tver region in 1985.

While in the camps, Abramkin, who was fired from his job in 1976 at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology for "anti-Soviet activity," contracted tuberculosis and its side-effects plagued him for the rest of his life.

In 1988, along with Nobel-prize winning nuclear scientist and dissident Andrei Sakharov, he founded the Prison and Liberty group that later became the Moscow Center for Prison Reform.

(Reporting and writing by Lidia Kelly; Editing by Mark Heinrich)


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Bats split on family living

Jan. 24, 2013 ? For the tiny Daubenton's bat, the attractions of family life seem to vary more with altitude than with the allure of the opposite sex.

For more than a decade, a team led by Professor John Altringham from the University of Leeds' School of Biology has studied a population of several hundred bats along a 50-km stretch of the River Wharfe. They monitored roosts in Ilkley and Addingham, upstream in the market town of Grassington and higher still in the villages of Kettlewell and Buckden.

The researchers found that all Daubenton's bats in nursery roosts in lowland areas of Wharfedale during the spring and summer were females and their offspring.

Male bats were mostly restricted to a windier, Heathcliff-like existence in roosts at the top of the Dales.

But the researchers were surprised to find a small oasis of cohabitation in Grassington, sandwiched between the bustle of the women-only childrearing in the lowlands and the more relaxed lives of the bachelors in the highlands.

Professor Altringham said: "Low down the dale, the females appear not to tolerate males and we assume they won't let them in the roost. They don't want anything to do with them. High in the dales, all the roosts are bachelor pads. But in the middle, at Grassington, males and females live together -- the social structure changes with the environment"

"One possible reason for not finding males low down the valley could be that the mothers just want to avoid competing with males for food. It takes a lot of insects to make the milk needed to feed their young," Professor Altringham said.

"But it is also possible that the males choose not to roost with the females. When you look at the nursery colony in Ilkley, mothers and pups often have a lot of ectoparasites like ticks and mites. In a warm, crowded nursery, parasites can thrive, especially if there's less time for good personal hygiene. Parasites not only make life uncomfortable but can affect a bat's health. The males that live by themselves are usually very clean in their bachelor pads, so you can understand why they might not want to move in," he added.

At Grassington, which is deep in the Yorkshire Dales National Park but not as high as Buckden and Kettlewell, the bats have a completely different social structure. Both male and female bats live with the young throughout the spring and summer in roosts in the stonework of the old Dales bridges and in holes in ash trees.

"Females may roost as high up the dale as Grassington because they have these warm, cuddly males to bunk up with. This way, females use less energy keeping warm and babies grow faster," Professor Altringham said.

"In these marginal conditions, they may just tolerate a few males to keep them warm. Otherwise they kick them out. Why do the males co-habit if they are going to get parasites all over them? Well, that may be down to the usual answer: sex."

Although male and female Daubenton's bats usually live apart throughout the spring and summer, they meet when they begin flying to caves in late summer.

Professor Altringham said: "In and around these caves the bats gather in huge numbers to mate, in a behaviour known as swarming. This is clubbing for bats, with males displaying to females in lengthy acrobatic chases. As winter closes in, these caves will ultimately be their hibernation sites.

"There are nearly 2,000 cave entrances and hundreds of kilometres of cave passages in the Dales and these attract bats from all over Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumbria and beyond for mating and hibernation. The males in Grassington may be giving themselves the opportunity to mate with the females late in the summer before they even get to the caves."

The researchers have built up a detailed picture of social and sexual behaviour by genotyping hundreds of individuals. The evidence gathered from this supports the theory that the Grassington males enjoy an advantage in mating.

"At Grassington, most of the fathers of bats born there spent the summer with the females. If we look at pups in Addingham and Ilkley, their dads were males caught when swarming at caves. So, as well as two different mating systems, you have distinct social groupings. A bachelor from Buckden is always a bachelor from Buckden. He doesn't pop down to Grassington to visit the females in the summer. His only option seems to be to go clubbing in the autumn," Professor Altringham said.

The Daubenton's bat, named after the 18th Century French naturalist Louis-Jean-Marie Daubenton, is widespread across the United Kingdom and specialises in hunting insects over water. Full-grown adults weigh only 7 to 12 grams, but they can live for 20 years or more.

"These bats are the size of a shrew but have a very different lifecycle. A shrew typically spends its entire life in a few metres of hedgerow, eats and breeds with a ferocious intensity, for a year if it is lucky, and then dies. In contrast, these bats lead a complex life over a huge area and females produce only one pup a year," Professor Altringham said. "This makes bats particularly vulnerable to the problems of habitat fragmentation and climate change."

The paper, which is published in PLOS ONE, was co-authored by Dr Ruth Angell and Professor John Altringham at The University of Leeds and by Professor Roger Butlin at Sheffield University. It was funded by a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) PhD studentship to Ruth Angell, with additional support from the NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility at Sheffield.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Leeds.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ruth L. Angell, Roger K. Butlin, John D. Altringham. Sexual Segregation and Flexible Mating Patterns in Temperate Bats. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (1): e54194 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054194

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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"Cloud Atlas" producers "unaware" Chinese distributor cut 30 minutes from film

LOS ANGELES ( - "Cloud Atlas" premiered in Beijing, China on Monday night, but not before "almost 30 minutes" were cut from the film's 172-minute running time without the producers' knowledge.

"We were unaware that our Chinese partners, Dreams of Dragon Pictures, had cut almost 30 minutes from the film," producers Grant Hill and Philip Lee told TheWrap in a statement on Wednesday. "We did know that, as with other countries, there were likely to be censorship trims and we trusted them to protect the integrity of the filmmaker's creativity and vision."

Dreams of Dragon Pictures, the Chinese distributor that poured $10 million into the independent science fiction movie's $102 million budget, told that those censorship trims included several explicit scenes containing sex and violence. The company admitted cuts were also made to tailor the film to interests in the foreign market, however, it's not exactly clear what content was omitted.

And whether or not the re-edit actually protected the filmmaker's integrity and vision, is another question. Hill and Lee say they have "not seen the edited version," while Lana Wachowski told reporters at the premiere, "It sucks really, but I believe you can watch the full version online."

Lana, who co-wrote and co-directed "Cloud Atlas" with her brother Andy Wachowski and German filmmaker Tom Tykwer ("Run Lola Run"), may be referencing the piracy problem running rampant in China.

Regardless of piracy concerns or unwanted cuts, Hill and Lee are excited to see how the big-screen adaptation of David Mitchell's 2004 novel performs in Chinese theaters once released on January 31 and wish their foreign partner well.

"We have been excited by the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the film by the local media and public during the promotional visit and premiere here to Beijing this week," their statement continued. "And we wish Dreams of Dragons every success as it builds on the successful international rollout to date".

"Cloud Atlas" - an ambitious adventure that simultaneously tells multiple stories throughout the past, present and future in order to explore how individuals' actions affect others - stars Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess, Ben Whishaw and Xun Zhou, among others in multiple (and often unrecognizable) roles.

The film made just $27 million at the domestic box office before grossing to date $56 million internationally. However, producers hope it's $100 million budget can still be recouped in markets including China, Hong Kong, Japan, France, UK, Spain and Australia.


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Purported Relativity Paradox Resolved

Science is alive and well in at least the Physics community. Whilst I won't even pretend to understand General Relativity, the questioning of it and discussion about those questions is the true essence of science.

Sigh. General Relativity was not even at question here. Perhaps commenting on Slashdot should require a minimum amount of knowing what one is talking about. AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Sigh.

At any rate, electrical engineers tend to view parts of Special Relativity in isolation. That makes them easier to handle and "visualize" in some respects, but much harder to deal with interactions. Minkovsky vectors and tensors are what theoretical physicists use instead, grouping several codependent field parts i


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Charges won't be filed against 49ers' Crabtree

San Francisco 49ers' Michael Crabtree dives into the end zone for a touchdown under pressure from Green Bay Packers San Shields during the second quarter of during an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013, in San Francisco. (AP Photo/The Sacramento Bee, Jose Luis Villegas)

San Francisco 49ers' Michael Crabtree dives into the end zone for a touchdown under pressure from Green Bay Packers San Shields during the second quarter of during an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013, in San Francisco. (AP Photo/The Sacramento Bee, Jose Luis Villegas)

This photo taken Jan. 12, 2013 shows San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree (15) against the Green Bay Packers in an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game in San Francisco. Police in San Francisco say they're investigating a sexual assault allegation involving Crabtree. Police said in a statement released Friday Jan. 18, 2013, that the alleged assault occurred in a city hotel room early Sunday after the 49ers' playoff victory over the Green Bay Packers. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar)

San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree (15) practices at an NFL football training facility in Santa Clara, Calif., Friday, Jan. 25, 2013. The 49ers are scheduled to play the Baltimore Ravens in the Super Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 3. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

(AP) ? San Francisco's district attorney won't file criminal charges against 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree after reviewing evidence of an alleged sexual assault in a hotel after the team's playoff victory over the Green Bay Packers.

After examining a "thorough investigation" submitted by police, District Attorney George Gascon said Friday his office determined that no charges would be filed "at this time."

Crabtree's attorney, Joshua Bentley, didn't immediately return a call seeking comment, and the team has referred all questions about the matter to him.

The 49ers are preparing to meet the Baltimore Ravens in the Super Bowl on Feb. 2 in New Orleans.

Associated Press


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Martinez returns to Red Sox as assistant to GM

(AP) ? Former Boston manager Terry Francona gave Pedro Martinez a big hug along with some advice to help him in his new job as a special assistant to the Red Sox general manager.

"Now he's going to have to be on time," Francona needled his former pitcher on Thursday when the two were reunited at the annual dinner of the Boston chapter of the Baseball Writers Association of America.

A three-time Cy Young Award winner and eight-time All-Star who spent seven seasons in Boston, Martinez returned to the city where he had his best years. His role is still undefined ? he has the same title as former Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek ? but Martinez said he would be willing to help with the pitchers, work in the minor leagues and generally be a friend to GM Ben Cherington.

"Varitek, Pedro ? they are the Red Sox," Francona said.

Martinez spent his first day back on the Boston masthead at a lunch with Cherington, new Red Sox manager John Farrell, CEO Larry Lucchino and Boston Mayor Tom Menino and some civic leaders. Martinez said Menino had been welcoming to him when he first arrived in Boston in 1998 and once again was forthcoming with advice about where to live and what to do in the city.

"Menino was a friend to me," Martinez said.

Martinez was acquired from the salary-dumping Montreal Expos after the 1997 season, a few months before he would be awarded his first Cy Young. He instantly became the ace of the Red Sox staff, the biggest character in a colorful clubhouse and a key part of the team that won the 2004 World Series to end the franchise's 86-year title drought.

Martinez said his experience with the team during that era can help players who are trying to recover from last season's last-place finish.

"There was something missing, in the clubhouse, the players, around Fenway. This offseason, they realized that they lost something," Martinez said, noting that the addition of Farrell as manager and players such as Shane Victorino and Mike Napoli. "We have the right group of people. These guys coming in have great, great character."

Martinez, who's now 41, went 117-37 with a 2.52 ERA in Boston. His .760 winning percentage is the best in franchise history, and he ranks third with 1,683 in strikeouts and sixth with 117 wins in a Red Sox uniform. He is also the franchise's all-time leader with 80 postseason strikeouts; in the 1999 All-Star game at Fenway Park, he struck out the first four batters he faced.

In an 18-year major league career with the Dodgers, Expos, Red Sox, Mets and Phillies, Martinez went 219-100 with a 2.93 ERA and 3,154 strikeouts. He has a career .687 winning percentage, and he led the majors in ERA five times, including 1997 when he had a 1.90 ERA with Montreal.

"I am thrilled to be returning to this organization and to the city I love," Martinez said. "It is an honor to be back with the Red Sox and help in any way I can. I am grateful to our leaders; I believe in them, and I thank them for allowing me to return to the field and help us win again.

"My heart will always live in Boston."

Also Thursday, the Red Sox signed left-hander Craig Breslow to a two-year contract with a club option for 2015. Breslow had been eligible for salary arbitration. Breslow went 3-0 with a 2.70 ERA in 63 appearances for the Diamondbacks and Red Sox. Twenty of the 23 appearances the Yale graduate made in Boston were scoreless.

Associated Press


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Modifications of a nanoparticle can change chemical interactions with cell membranes

Jan. 23, 2013 ? Researchers at Syracuse University's Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering at L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science are studying the toxicity of commonly used nanoparticles, particles up to one million times smaller than a millimeter that could potentially penetrate and damage cell membranes.

In a recent article published along with cover art in the journal Langmuir, researchers Shikha Nangia, assistant professor of biomedical and chemical engineering (BMCE), and Radhakrishna Sureshkumar, Department Chair of BMCE and professor of physics, showed how simple shape and charge modifications of a nanoparticle can cause tremendous changes in the chemical interactions between the nanoparticle and a cell membrane.

Nanomaterials, which are currently being used as drug carriers, also pose a legitimate concern, since no universal standards exist to educate and fully protect those who handle these materials. Nanoparticles are comparable to chemicals in their potential threat because they could easily penetrate the skin or be inhaled.

"Nanotechnology has immense potential that is starting to be being realized; a comprehensive understanding of toxicity of nanoparticles will help develop better safe handling procedures in nanomanufacturing and nano-biotechnology" says Sureshkumar and Nangia, In addition, the toxicity levels of various nanoparticles can be used to our advantage in targeting cancer cells and absorbing radiation during cancer therapy. Nanotoxicity is becoming a major concern as the use of nanoparticles in imaging, therapeutics, diagnostics, catalysis, sensing and energy harvesting continues to grow dramatically.

This research project has taken place over the past year utilizing a state of the art 448 core parallel computer nicknamed "Prophet" housed in Syracuse University's Green Data Center. The research was funded by the National Science Foundation.

Langmuir is a notable, interdisciplinary journal of American Chemical Society publishing articles in: colloids, interfaces, biological interfaces, nano-materials, electrochemistry and devices and applications.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Syracuse University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Shikha Nangia, Radhakrishna Sureshkumar. Effects of Nanoparticle Charge and Shape Anisotropy on Translocation through Cell Membranes. Langmuir, 2012; 28 (51): 17666 DOI: 10.1021/la303449d

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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