Friday, January 18, 2013

Golden Rules To Ride Out Acne Problem | Fitness Health Pros

Benzyl peroxide

how to get rid of acne effectively

Acne isn?t just a condition of your skin but your overall health for acne incidence sends out strong signals to alert you of your body?s immune system. Just because these occur prominently on face, they are treated as deterrent to beauty but health. Therefore it wouldn?t suffice to just get rid of acne but know how to prevent future outbreaks. Read on to know and let know how to get rid of acne permanently.

The Golden Rules to Say Goodbye to Acne

  • Do Not Touch ? Understand that the real notion behind touching, picking or popping a pimple with hand or nails are nothing but your irresistible temptation to do the act and not as a means to get rid of the condition. Therefore, the first lesson in getting rid of acne is, ?Do not Touch? for that leads you to nowhere but more acne and more popping and pricking.
  • Do Not Eat ? A diet that is dedicated to eating fruits and vegetables followed by adequate fluid intake (preferably water) as priority is the right diet suggested here. Eat, drink as per suggestion and do not eat oily, spicy food.
  • Do Not Wash ? Washing the face should happen as a means to eradicate the incidence of acne and not promote it. Wash at least twice a day with a mild soap that opens and cleanses pores. Do not wash with soaps that are meant to dry your skin.
  • Do Not Apply ? If washing wards off dirt and impurity, the creams and applications speed up healing. Use creams that contain Vitamin E or Benzyl Peroxide for both work in their own ways. While the vitamin heals the damaged skin, the peroxide captivates new pimples in the making. The latter may dry up your skin and hence do not apply or expose your skin to too much peroxide at once. Let the process be gradual and only if there is no harm to the skin in any manner whatsoever. Benzyl peroxide

    how to get rid of acne and frequent acne incidence

  • Do Not Expose ? Exposing your skin to the sun may affect your acne adversely. So it is advised to take sun block steps before going out. If it is in the form of any application, Do not expose your skin to too much of chemicals in the endeavor. Go for the one with high SPF but low chemical content or oil.

I hope with this, the question, how to get rid of acne has been answered. Follow the rules and stay healthy.

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