Friday, November 30, 2012

?We Have to Continually Be Jumping Off Cliffs and Developing Our Wings on the Way Down.?

“We Have to Continually Be Jumping Off Cliffs and Developing Our Wings on the Way Down.”Author Kurt Vonnegut knows a thing or two about creativity, and he once said that "We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down." Apart from being a vivid image, it's a great metaphor for taking risks. Sometimes, you need to just jump headfirst into a project, even if you don't know where you're going with it yet. You'll learn as you go, and sometimes that's the best way to get the results you want.

Cliffs | Swissmiss

Image by Tina Mailhot-Roberge. Click on the image for a wallpaper-sized version!


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Investors: How to Price Your Rent Increases ? CT Homes LLC

The U.S. rental market is heating up fast but how real estate investors price their rental increases can make all the difference in their net returns.

Do you have the right rental pricing strategy?

Rents across the country are ramping up much faster than some projected. In hot urban areas like Miami and San Diego tenants are finding their new proposed rent payments going through the roof when renewal time comes up.

This is a situation which is only likely to become more pronounced as real estate investors take more inventory out of the market and until American?s credit gets better and access to mortgage credit for buying a home gets easier too.

Some experts predicted a 7-10% rise in rental rates over the next couple of years. However, in some hot zones where there is little available inventory like the San Diego real estate market, Manhattan and Miami?s downtown Brickell area tenants are seeing demands for incredible rent hikes. According to the MLxchange this means a 28% spike in rent per square foot or 17% in monthly payments in the first nine months of the year alone. That?s a $500 to $900 leap on a $3,000 a month condo.

This offers great opportunity for real estate investors to pushup cash flow, but how can you stage increases without sabotaging net income?

You don?t want to force out a great tenant and then have an empty unit for months, bringing in nothing and potentially winding up with a bum tenant in the end.

So make it cheaper to pay more than to move, consider negotiating a deal for a longer lease, or higher amount if they want month to month, and negotiate a cap on future increases so they don?t panic. 10% is pretty standard but renters could face far steeper jumps if moving.


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Kick Start Your Day with Yerba Mate! | Gnet Health and Fitness

What once was a traditional South American tribal drink, is now sweeping the world as a new, healthy energy drink, and a refreshing alternative to tea and coffee. A gently-caffeinated drink, yerba mate is prized amongst its fan for giving that reviving kick, without any of the jitters. And now, as its popularity grows and grows, we too can get our hands on this natural beverage that?s been a jungle secret for centuries. The question is, when are you going to try yerba mate?

What is Yerba Mate?

The yerba mate (pronounced yerba mah-tay) plant grows in the forests of South America, and for centuries, the indigenous people have ground up the leaves and stems to make a beverage that is revered for its energy-boosting, and strengthening properties.

Traditional folklore tells the story of a mysterious Shamen, who rewarded a young woman with the recipe for the yerba mate beverage, after she loyally remained with her aging father whilst her tribe moved on.

In the last few years, yerba mate has moved out of the forests, and into modern South America, where it is now hugely popular, and is manufactured either as a cold drink, or in dried tea form for a refreshing hot version. The drink itself is naturally caffeinated, which explains it?s energy-boosting ability. In fact, although it isn?t strictly a tea, it has many similarities to one, and even has a grassy taste not unlike green tea.

Are There Health Benefits to Yerba Mate?

Yerba mate doesn?t just offer a caffeine kick- it also has many substantial health benefits, that make it a really healthy alternative to everyday tea and coffee. Traditionally, yerba mate was used to boost the immune system, for stomach upsets, as well as depression and weight-loss. Today, we have the scientific knowledge to know that these are still relevant uses for the beverage.

The key is that yerba mate is absolutely full of antioxidants, which have a wide-range of health benefits, from slowing the aging process, to maintaining a healthy heart and preventing cancer. In fact, yerba mate is believed to have 90% more antioxidants than green tea- in other words, a super concentrated dose!

Like green tea, yerba mate is also said to help in weight loss by suppressing the appetite and boosting energy levels. In addition, the drink has an effect on the metabolism, and is said to create a consistent, steady breakdown of sugars, instead of the peaks and troughs of blood-sugar levels that can cause cravings and sluggishness. As well as providing the energy-boost you might need to get you going, yerba mate can also help you keep exercising longer; it does this by helping to breakdown and remove the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles during exertion, and causes muscles to ache and become tired.

What?s really special about yerba mate is that it seems able to lower cholesterol levels. Research that was carried out in Brazil in 2009, showed that participants who drank 300ml of yerba mate, three times a day for 40 days, lowered their bad cholesterol levels by up to 8.7% by the end of the trial!

What the Papers Say:

Los Angeles Times: (Click article for full size)

What People on the Web Say:

The Perfect Pick-Me-Up!

I really like the flavor of this tea. It actually makes me feel better. During the afternoon, this provides the perfect pick me up. It gives me energy. You can actually feel the medicinal properties in it. Enough said.

? David Edmonton?
( ?

It Makes Me Feel Good!

I started drinking Yerba Mate about 4 years ago. I used to only drink it terer? (cold) but I was shown a couple of hot preparations with milk and sugar that I really like so now I do it both ways; Hot in the winter and cold the rest of the time. Yerba Mate is a wonderful substitute for coffee or soda. It makes me feel good and gives me energy but doesn?t spike me up and down like regular caffeine. My soda intake has gone to almost zero since I discovered this stuff.

? Bryan Campbell ?
( ?

I?m no Morning Person, but this Works!

I am one those people who lacks complete cognitive thought process until I have had my first cup of coffee. Since, I?ve transitioned over to brewing yerba mate in my coffee maker I definitely feel a difference. I am energized mentally and physically. By itself, it has kind of an earthy flavor. I can?t even relay how much energy and focus this gives me. Not only am I alert, but I feel like I process information better. I?m not a morning person, but this gives me something to look forward to.

? L. D?orlaque?
( ?

How is Yerba Mate Not More Popular??

This stuff is reaaally neat. I am a tea drinker, no coffee for me. Not too long ago I?d never even heard of yerba mate, then one day I came across it online. As much caffeine as a cup of coffee, more antioxidants than green tea, and tastes like chocolate? But, it?s true with this stuff! I?m not quite sure why this stuff isn?t as popular in the US as it should be!

? Logan Smith?
( ?

Yerba Mate: A Great Alternative to Tea and Coffee:

If you?re looking for something to kick start your day, or even for something that will get you through the afternoon without keeping you up all night, then yerba mate may just be the drink for you. Gently-caffeinated, packed full of healthy antioxidants, and a favourite for centuries with the indigenous tribes of South America for being an all-round immune system booster, it?s only a matter of time before yerba mate has a permanent home in everybody?s kitchens!

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Blue whales? diet and exercise rolled into one

Marine predator performs underwater acrobatics for best chance at catching a meal

Marine predator performs underwater acrobatics for best chance at catching a meal

By Susan Milius

Web edition: November 28, 2012



Blue whales sometimes roll belly-up before lunging at their lunch, a new study suggests.

Credit: ? Ari Friedlaender

To catch a skittish lunch, blue whales roll their massive bulk over and do a belly-up lunge if that?s what it takes.

Video cameras and high-tech tags stuck to whales? backs revealed the underwater acrobatics that let the world?s largest living predators survive on some of the tiniest prey, says Jeremy Goldbogen of the Cascadia Research Collective in Olympia, Wash.

Blue whales manage to grow to about 30 meters in length (longer than two school buses put together) just by opening their huge gapes and lunging to engulf mouthfuls of seawater and whatever creatures are swimming in it. It?s a diet based on soup, and it sustains a whale of a body only if the lunger nabs a dense school of prey.

Sticking instruments on 22 blue whales off the southern California coast let Goldbogen and his colleagues study dining styles, including 44 rollovers. During a lunge, the maneuver could position the whale?s mouth for the best gulp. Between lunges, rolling over may provide a panoramic scan of what to swallow next, Goldbogen and his colleagues report November 28 in Biology Letters.

S. Milius. How whales, dolphins, seals dive so deep. Science News. Vol. 157, April 8, 2000, p. 230. [Go to]


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caprice sacrilege: EDU702 Research Methodology: References ...

Azizi Yahaya, 2003. Factors Contributing Towards Excellence Academic Performance. University Technology Malaysia


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Claessens, Amy, Greg Duncan, and Mimi Engel. 2009. ?Kindergarten Skills and Fifth-grade Achievement: Evidence from the ECLS-K,? Economics of Education Review 28(4): 415-427.
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Dutton, M. (1996). Tech/prep/school-to-work: Career Paths for All. Education Digest,61(5), 56-69.
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Jailani, Wan Mohd Rashid, Noraini & Wahid (2005). Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) from Malaysia Perspective. Paper presented at 2nd International TT-TVET EU-Asia-Link Project Meeting, VEDC Malang.

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Lleras, Christy. 2008. ?Do Skills and Behaviors in High School Matter? The Contribution of Noncognitive Factors in Explaining Differences in Educational Attainment and Earnings.? Social Science Research 37 (3): 888-902.


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Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. (2006). Development of soft skills for Institutions of Higher Learning. Universiti Putra, Malaysia.

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Bennett, N., Dunne, E. and Carr?, C. (2000) Skills Development in Higher Education and Employment. Buckingham: The Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press.
Nathan, S. and Dunn, K.A. (1997). Business Press Articles and Higher Level Learning Skills in Accounting Courses. Education & Training. 39, 4/5, 189-194
Noorlaila Yunus, Salina Noranee and Rohana Ehsan, 2004.The Perception of Employer towards Office Management (OM) Industrial Trainees? Performance during the Internship: A Case Study of Public/Private Organizations in Klang Valley.

Secretary?s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. (1992, April). Learning a Living: A blueprint for High Performance. Executive Summary. A SCANS Report for America 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor.

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Raymond Young and Chadi Aoun, 2008. Generic Skills to Reduce Failure Rates in an Undergraduate Accounting Information System Course. Asian Social Science, Vol. 4, 10, October 2008. www.ccsenet.prg/journal.html

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Thelma Young Monk, 1998. Variables Associated with Academic Achievement of African-American Males in Four-year Undergraduate Educational Institutions: A Synthesis is Studies. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity.

The New Straits Times. (2006, March 21). Experts: Go back to drawing board. Kuala Lumpur

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Youth: Counseling Psychology and the School-to-Work Transition of Movement. The Counseling Psychologist, 25(2), 23-24.
30,000 grads in unsuitable jobs (2012,May 10). New Straits Times. Retrieved from


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U.S. soldier in WikiLeaks case takes stand at hearing

FORT MEADE, Maryland (Reuters) - A U.S. Army private facing court-martial for allegedly leaking secret documents to the WikiLeaks website took the witness stand on Thursday at a pre-trial hearing to make his first public statements since his arrest in Iraq in 2010.

Bradley Manning's testimony came on the third day of a hearing to determine whether his case should proceed to a full court-martial.

Manning has offered to plead guilty to less serious offenses than those with which he has been charged, according to his lawyer.

If Manning's case proceeds to trial and he is convicted of all the security breach charges against him, the private could face life imprisonment.

Charges include stealing records belonging to the United States and wrongfully causing them to be published on the Internet and aiding enemies of the United States, identified by prosecutors as al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, an affiliate of the militant network founded by the late Osama bin Laden.

Prosecutors have alleged that Manning, without authorization, disclosed hundreds of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables, military reports and video of a military helicopter attack in Iraq in which two Reuters journalists were killed.

WikiLeaks has never confirmed that Manning was the source of any documents it released.

In pre-trial litigation, prosecutors have presented testimony that legal experts say could be used to build a case that Manning had been in email contact with Julian Assange, WikiLeaks' Australian-born founder.

Nearly six months ago, Assange, who faces extradition to Sweden from Britain for questioning in a sexual molestation case, took refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London.

Assange and his supporters have said the Swedish case against him could be part of a secret plot to have him shipped for trial to the United States and either executed or imprisoned at the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

U.S. officials have denied those assertions. But they have acknowledged that a federal grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, has been collecting evidence about WikiLeaks and some of its activists. Officials have not ruled out U.S. criminal charges against Assange.

Earlier on Thursday, Assange played down reports that his health was declining after Ecuadorean officials said he was suffering from a chronic lung ailment.

(Writing by Dan Burns, editing by Stacey Joyce)


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Immersion stock soars on Google settlement

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) ? Immersion said Tuesday that it has reached a settlement and license agreement with Google Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC that resolves a patent-infringement lawsuit it brought against Motorola.

Immersion's stock surged $1.01, or 21.5 percent, to $5.70 in morning trading. The shares have traded in a 52-week range of $4.15 to $7.50.

Immersion, a provider of touch feedback technology also known as touchsense haptics, said that the lawsuit was based on Motorola's use of certain feedback effects in its cell phones.

As part of the agreement, Immersion Corp. will receive compensation from previous shipments of Motorola devices containing the technologies. The companies have agreed to a license that covers future shipments of Motorola devices and resolved some issues related to Google-branded smartphones.

The agreement does not include other manufacturers' handsets that use the Android operating system.

Immersion said it will dismiss all pending litigation against Motorola as a result of the settlement.

Immersion CEO Victor Viegas said in a statement that the settlement is not expected to have a material impact on its 2012 financial results.


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Obama, Boehner optimistic on fiscal cliff (Reuters)

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Ex-Mexican mayor killed

Defiant former Mexican mayor killed
CNN - 11/28/2012
(CNN) -- The first time an assassin's bullet tried to find her, Maria Santos Gorrostieta escaped, but her husband was killed. That was in 2009, when she was mayor of Tiquicheo, a small town in the Mexican state of Michoacan, which has seen some of the most brutal drug-related violence. The bullets f


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Soft drink raises men's risk of prostate cancer

London, Nov 27

Men who drink fizzy drinks are not just ruining their teeth but could also be at risk of aggressive prostate cancer, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

A Swedish study has found just one soft drink a day could increase the risk of developing more serious forms of the cancer by 40 percent.

Experts at Lund University also found those who ate a carbohydrate diet heavy in rice and pasta increased their risk of getting milder forms of prostate cancer, which often required no treatment, by 31 percent.

And eating lots of sugary breakfast cereals raised the incidence of milder forms of the cancer to 38 percent

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men after lung disease.

The study examined more than 8,000 men aged between 45 and73 for an average of 15 years.


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice | Should the US ...

student loan debt

Anyone who has read my?previous columns?about?paying for college?knows that I?m a student debt hawk. Student loans in their current form are dangerous: it?s too easy to borrow massive quantities; they can almost never be discharged in bankruptcy; and students and parents rarely understand what kind of quicksand they?re getting into.

At the same time, a ?buy now, pay later? system makes sense. We have all sorts of public subsidies for college tuition, including the federal student loan program, because having an educated population benefits everyone.

But many of the benefits of a college education?such as higher earnings and the opportunity to spend four years having inebriated pseudo-intellectual conversations with your peers?accrue to the student. So students and their families should pay?something,?and providing a traditional four-year degree is not cheap.

Perhaps in the future, online degrees from something like?Khan Academy?or iTunes U will be as sought after as Harvard diplomas. In the meantime, college costs real money?and even if online degrees become standard, there?s always the opportunity cost.

If you?re watching lectures and taking tests, that?s time away from earning a paycheck. I?m optimistic about the potential of electronic courses, but they?re not going to cram a four-year degree into one year ? except for rare hotshots.

While I?m sympathetic to the idea that college should be as free as public high school, the idea is politically untenable and, let?s be honest, would lead to a lot of aimless hacky-sacking.

But there is one reform well within reach that would make financial life easier and more predictable for college graduates: perhaps we should make our student loan system more Australian.

From a Land Down Under

The Australian university financing system is complicated and includes controls on tuition rates, but the key provision that the US could easily adopt is to?make student loan repayment part of the tax code.

Here?s how it works. Once you graduate from college in Australia and get a job, you begin repaying your student loan via paycheck withholding, exactly the same way you pay your income taxes.

The repayment scheme is highly progressive: if you make less than about $45,000, you owe nothing on your student loans. Make between $45,000 and $50,000 and you?ll pay 4% of your income. Make over $91,000 and you?ll pay 8%.

The repayment amount is tied to your income, not the amount of your loans. You can pay extra on your loans at any time, and you receive a bonus for doing so. Once your loans are repaid, the paycheck deduction automatically stops and your paycheck gets fatter.

This is similar to the Income-Based Repayment (IBR) plan available to federal student loan borrowers in the US. The key differences are:

  • IBR?is available only when you have a financial hardship. The Australian system is for everyone.
  • IBR?still relies on voluntary repayment.

The last point is key. We may not like it, but most of us faithfully pay our taxes on time because the?IRS?makes it easy. If we had to send them a check every month or every April, the rate of tax evasion and underpayment would jump enormously.

Self-employed people are responsible for withholding their own taxes and paying them quarterly, and tax problems are extremely common among freelancers. W-2 employees hardly notice that they?re paying taxes. (I once asked my brother how much tax he paid, and he said, ?Zero.? He meant that?s how much he owed in April.)

Yes, you can and should set up automatic payments for your student loans, but it?s still not the same. You?ll get into trouble when you change jobs or change banks.

This is one instance where it?s to your benefit to have the government?s hooks in you: since your student loan payments are going to the government, and you?re punished harshly for failing to pay, why don?t they make it easy?

We?re not talking about a scary government takeover. The federal government already owns the vast majority of student loans and already collects taxes via the?IRS. Putting them together would make the repayment system more sane, fair, and effective.

One more thing

True, not all student loan payments are owed to Uncle Sam. But private student loans account for less than 10% of student loan originations, and they?re among the worst kind of debt: high interest, ineligible for?IBR, and still not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

The government can and should nationalize private loans and bring them under the federal system or, at the very least, make them eligible for bankruptcy. Private loans rarely make the difference between being able to attend college or not, because the neediest students are eligible for the most grant and scholarship aid, plus subsidized federal loans.

What I?m talking about here is a small reform. It won?t solve the problems of students taking on too much student debt or attending colleges they can?t afford.

But it would meaningfully improve the lives of many people facing down student loans, at a minimal cost to the government, and it?s not a new idea: it?s been tested in the sun-baked laboratory called Australia.

Matthew Amster-Burton is a?personal finance?columnist at Find him on Twitter?@Mint_Mamster.



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Social Art-Rising: Art & Social Movements | PoachedMag

Supporting Movember has got us thinking: How can the arts help social movements and is there even a relationship between art and social movements to begin with?

Of course, ?arts? here, refers to more than just fine arts. It refers to all creative activities including theatre, film, photography, music, graphic design and street art. Think Banksy; Think Singapore?s very own Sticker Lady with her ?My grandfather road? stickers.

There is always a political slant to art, simply because it is an expression of the artist, and humankind is not known to be neutral. Everyone has their own stand and opinions about things. Even apathy counts as taking a stand ? an active choice to be ignorant and not have a part, for whatever reasons.

Art is self-referential and reflexive. More often than not, the underlying message of a work of art is a comment on its environment. Usually, a work of art will have nostalgic hints of what the society or environment used to be, what it has become (either for better or worse), and it will also convey the artist?s prediction of what it will be like in the future.

This dialogue between the past, the present and the future is usually sparked off by a problem. If we really think about it, art is like a problem-solving exercise. In 18th Century fine art, the problem was trying to capture a beautiful moment. Solution? Paint it,since cameras were not invented then. In abstract and avant-garde art, the problem was finding a way to express emotions and feelings, and the solution lies in their composition and brushstrokes. In film and theatre, it becomes straight-forward, the plot begins with a problem, which gets solved by the end of it, although granted, not all the time. In music, the song is usually inspired by some sort of problem: a broken heart, a long-lost love, or just simply teenage angst. Photography, specifically, photojournalism, presents the problem and it invites the audience to think of a solution.

If art is really about problem-solving, it seems to ring a bell with social movements and the changes they hope to evoke, no?

With the same framework of commenting on social issues, hoping to draw attention to them and perhaps eventually solve them, surely the coming together of art and social movements will prove to be a very effective campaign ? just think of all the propaganda posters in history and how effective they were.

There is no denying that art is a very effective and moving medium, compared to chunks of texts and manifestos. In our fast-paced society, visuals are more captivating than words because it is easier to digest and it leaves a more lasting impression. Works of art, be it a short film, photograph or visual graphic are also more likely to go viral with the aid of sites like Youtube, Facebook and Tumblr, creating hype, buzz and talking points.

Essentially, what the arts does, is to help make the social movement more palatable, and perhaps even consumable. Let?s face it, we are all superficial beings to some extent. If a campaign is full of clever and witty ideas, with a set of pretty paraphernalia to accompany it, people are more likely to buy into the campaign.

Sounds a little like capitalism? Well, we are all selling some kind of product at the end of the day. The important thing is to capture the hearts of the public, hoping that they will remember the problems that these social movements have surface and pray that some day, they will do something about it.

Image Credit: Flickr (redcountess)?


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News Summary: Home prices rise in most US cities

PRICES RISE: Home prices increased in September in most major U.S. cities, more evidence of a housing recovery that is providing a lift to the fragile economy. The Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller 20-city index of home prices rose 3 percent in September compared with the same month last year.

BROAD INCREASES: Prices also gained 3.6 percent in the July-September quarter compared with the same quarter in 2011. Prices increased in 18 of 20 cities over the 12 months ending in September.

ECONOMIC BENEFITS: Higher home prices make homeowners feel wealthier and more likely to spend. That boosts consumer spending, which drives 70 percent of the economy.


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Plant Based Recipe Guide ? Plant Based Recipe Guide | Food & Drink

You are here: Home / General / Plant Based Recipe Guide ? Plant Based Recipe Guide

Plant Based Recipe Guide - Plant Based Recipe GuideIf you?re like most dedicated, fitness minded individuals who care about your appearance you stick to a pretty strict regimen of the same tasteless foods, meal after meal, day after day.

You should be able to eat healthy meals that optimize your recovery and performance and actually taste GREAT.

While meat eaters will discover tons of new and delectable salads, shakes, side dishes, soups, and stews to add to their main protein dishes along with a whole slew of? decadent desserts.

Nearly 100% of these plant based recipes are free of any and all animal products; we only added a few dishes with eggs here and there, but no dairy.

And meat eaters will be blown away at the number of tasty treats they can add to their current meal plan, helping them get more essential nutrients in without sacrificing taste.

This is the first and only plant based recipe guide that focuses not only taste; but also maximal performance and long term health and longevity.

NOTE: Renegade Recipe Guide is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonus reports onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. Renegade Strength & Conditioning, LLC 453 Watchung Ave Watchung, NJ 07069

Read more?

Posted by Dan on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 5:26 pm?
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012 | EU agrees on significant debt relief deal for Greece

BRUSSELS: Greece won breathing space on Tuesday with long-frozen eurozone loans to restart from December and a first clear admission that a chunk of the country's debt burden will need to be written off down the line.

After 13 hours of talks in Brussels, the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund agreed to unlock 43.7 billion euros ($56 billion) in loans and on the need to grant significant debt relief for decades to come.

Greece must still meet a series of agreed conditions but "the decision will certainly reduce the uncertainty and strengthen confidence in Europe and in Greece," said European Central Bank President Mario Draghi who left the talks before a final press conference.

Starved of bailout financing since the summer, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras hailed the deal in Athens, while German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said the package would be presented to German lawmakers by the end of the week.

Other member states will also have to obtain their parliament's approval for the deal.

"Everything has gone well," Samaras told reporters in Athens.

"All Greeks have fought (for this decision) and tomorrow is a new day for every Greek person," he added.

Finance ministers, the IMF and the ECB said the money would be paid in four installments from Dec.13 through until the end of March, conditional on Greece funnelling income back to creditors at source and on the implementation by Athens of tax reforms settled with creditors.

The initial market response was upbeat.

On currency markets the euro was stronger in Asian trade as investors breathed a sigh of relief over the deal for Greece.

The 17-nation currency bought $1.2980 and 106.46 yen in Tokyo morning trade after briefly topping $1.30 for the first time in about a month.
That was up from $1.2971 and 106.38 yen in New York trade late on Monday.

Asian stock markets also enjoyed the news in early trading, with Tokyo shares rising 0.38 per cent by the break, Hong Kong up 0.25 per cent and Sydney gaining 0.68 per cent.

The results of the "labourious" negotiations according to IMF head Christine Lagarde are intended to see Greece's debt-to-GDP ratio fall from an estimated 144 percent to 124 per cent come 2020, and "substantially below 110 per cent" of gross domestic product by 2022.

"The IMF wanted to make sure the euro partners would take the necessary actions to bring Greece's debt on a sustainable path," said Lagarde.

"I can say today that it has been achieved."

There will be a mixture of techniques used to bring down Greece's debt burden.

These will begin with a buyback by Greece of old debt that has fallen in value on commercial money markets as well as national central banks across the eurozone foregoing profits on holdings of Greek debt whose worth has slumped.

Agence France-Presse


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Iran says missile deployment in Turkey would increase tensions

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran said the deployment of Patriot defense missiles near Turkey's border with Syria would worsen tensions, as fears grow of the Syrian civil war spilling across the region.

Turkey asked NATO for the Patriot system, designed to intercept aircraft or missiles, last week after talks about how to shore up security on its 900-km (560-mile) border.

"The installation of such systems in the region has negative effects and will intensify problems in the region," Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani said on returning from a trip to Syria, Lebanon and Turkey on Saturday evening, according to Iranian state news agency IRNA.

Ramin Mehmanparast, Iran's foreign ministry spokesman, told the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) on Sunday that deploying the Patriot system "will not only not help solve the situation in Syria, it will actually make the situation more difficult and complicated as well".

Syria has called Turkey's request for the Patriot missiles "provocative", and Russia said the move could increase risks in the conflict.

Iran has steadfastly supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad throughout the 20-month-old uprising against his rule.

Turkey's missile request may have riled Damascus because it could be seen as a first step toward implementing a no-fly zone over Syrian airspace.

Syrian rebels have been requesting a no-fly zone to help them hold territory against a government with overwhelming firepower from the air, but most foreign governments are reluctant to get sucked into the conflict.

Turkey fears security on its border may crumble as the Syrian army fights harder to contain the rebels, some of whom have enjoyed sanctuary in Turkey.

Heavy fighting has often erupted along Syria's border with Turkey. Ankara has scrambled fighter jets and returned fire after stray Syrian shells and mortars landed in its territory.

(Reporting by Yeganeh Torbati; editing by Andrew Roche)


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Good Budget Hotels In Shimla Near Railway Station

Located to the north of India in the Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh is Shimla- a premier hill station. The city is connected by the famous mountain railways and many budget hotels are situated close to the railway station. Read on to know more on numerous good budget hotels in Shimla near railway station.

Shimla is a capital city as well as one of the major tourist hubs of India that attracts tourists from all over the world. The city was a former British settlement in early 1800s that gradually developed into a bustling city made of people from all walks of life. Shimla has been legendary for its beauty and climate since the British Raj and has almost never seen a low tourist season. Barring the monsoon seasons, Shimla has no off season like the other hill stations. It can be visited all round the year be it summers or winters only monsoon time is not ideal due to chances of landslides. The city can be reached by roads, railways and airways from all parts of the country. The famous Kalka-Shimla railway line connects Shimla with Kalka station and from there one can travel to almost all major cities in North India. An UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is also one of the oldest railway systems in India that was completed in 1903. The railway line is renowned among travelers for its overwhelming beauty and its old world charm complete with over a 100 tunnels and 864 bridges. The railway station at Shimla is centrally located and most of the good hotels of budget category are situated nearby. These budget hotels in Shimla near railway station have the added advantage of being easily accessible. You can walk straight to the rooms from the railway station and there is no need to search for transportation. This saves your money that could have been spent on cab costs. Also there is minimum wastage of time in travelling to a nearby destination. These budget hotels are quite popular among travelers for their affordability and also because they provide good service at lower costs. Below are two good budget Shimla hotels that you should check out for a comfortable stay.

Hotels in Shimla near Railway Station

Hotel Sansar is one of the finest budget hotels in Shimla that is located at a distance of 1.5kms from the railway station. Known for its service standards it enjoys wide customer recommendation of 70% which means 7 out of 10 people would like a second visit. Hotel facilities include free parking facility and travel desk. The rooms are fully equipped and rates start from Rs.900.

Hotel Sangeet is another of the popular budget hotels in Shimla near railway station. Located 1km from the railway station, it enjoys wide popularity among customers and has 77% recommendation. The hotels facilities like multi-cuisine restaurant, travel desk, conference hall, etc. have been appreciated by its former guests. The rooms are beautifully furnished and cost Rs.1000.


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Three bodies found in Dallas motel

By Kevin Cokely,

Police are looking for the motive and suspects behind the fatal shooting of three people found dead at a north Dallas motel.

A cleaning crew discovered the bodies of two men and a woman at a Motel 6, just north of the High 5 interchange of Central Expressway and I-635 LBJ Freeway, just before noon on Saturday.

See more at

The two male victims and one female victim had been shot to death. Their names have not been released.

Dallas Police are investigating but have no motive or suspects as of Saturday evening.



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Oak River Insurance notifies 2700 after employee disclosed workers

You are here: Home / Breach Incidents / Oak River Insurance notifies 2,700 after employee disclosed workers? compensation claims information

Noah Buhayar of Bloomberg BusinessWeek reports another insurance company has suffered a breach:

Oak River Insurance Co., a subsidiary of Warren Buffett?s?Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (A), asked clients to guard against identity theft after an employee released some of their personal information.

The data are tied to about 2,700 workers? compensation claimants who had spinal surgery in Southern California between 2004 and 2011 or had urinalysis testing, diagnostics or other medical treatment performed in the state between 2006 and 2011, the unit of Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire said in a Nov. 21 statement posted online. The personal information included medical records, Social Security numbers and health insurance information, the insurer said.

Read more on?Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

In a press release dated November 21, the firm writes:

The Company discovered that a former employee, while employed with the Company, disclosed personal information about workers compensation claimants to certain individuals who were cooperating in an investigation of suppliers of medical services. The disclosures occurred between approximately October 2011 and March 2012.

It is important to note that we do not believe that access to individuals? social security numbers or other identifying information was the goal of the disclosures, nor do we believe that the purpose of the disclosures was to compromise the security, confidentiality or integrity of personal information. Further, as of the date of this notice, we are unaware of any actual identity theft resulting from these disclosures.

Strange case. If the employee was intentionally cooperating with some investigation, why didn?t the employee notify the insurer? Was the employee asked to keep his/her employer in the dark, and if so, why? And how did this go on for a year without the insurer detecting it? Maybe some mainstream journalist will follow up on this one and ask more questions about how and why this happened.


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Portland political consulting firm draws national attention in recent ...

PORTLAND, Maine ? It?s not only the recently elected politicians and successful advocacy groups who are celebrating big wins in the wake of election season.

A small political consulting firm in Portland has emerged with a winning record and a national reputation for producing compelling, authentic political advertisements for television and Web.

The company, CD2 Consulting, produced some of the most memorable ads from Maine?s recent election cycle. Remember Harlan Gardner, the 90-year-old WWII veteran and Machias resident who, while sitting at the dinner table with four generations of his family, including his gay granddaughter, said ?marriage is too precious not to share?? That ad was one of CD2?s creations. Remember the York firefighters who appeared in an ad with their gay colleague? That was a CD2 ad. There were several others produced throughout the campaign, which was successful and made Maine the first state to legalize same sex marriage by popular vote.

David Farmer, communications director for Mainers United for Marriage, gives CD2 a big share of the credit for the power and recognition their ads brought to the campaign.

?They were able to turn real Maine people into household names,? said Farmer, who also served as deputy chief of staff and communications director for former Gov. John Baldacci, and writes a political blog and a weekly column for the Bangor Daily News. ?They are storytellers and were able to tell stories in 30 seconds in a way that made a real difference.?

The ads CD2 produced for Mainers United for Marriage were so effective, in fact, they were picked up around the country and used as templates for ads in other states such as Minnesota and Washington state, according to Farmer.

?They (CD2 owners) are on the verge of big, big things,? he said.

Maine?s Yes on 1 campaign had a high profile, and several ?top-notch? political consulting firms wanted to produce those television ads, Farmer said. Yet CD2 got the job. ?They won on the merits of their work, and they delivered,? he said.

Besides the Yes on 1 campaign, CD2 also produced web advertisements for Elizabeth Warren?s successful Senate campaign in Massachusetts, unseating incumbent Scott Brown; online content for Maggie Hassan?s successful gubernatorial campaign in New Hampshire; and a TV ad in support of Rep. Carol Shea-Porter?s successful Congressional race in New Hampshire.

?That?s a winning record right there,? Farmer said. ?The results speak for themselves.?

There was a time when all the big political consulting firms were in Washington, D.C., and New York City, but technology has made that model obsolete, and today consultants can work anywhere. CD2 owners Jim Cole, Aaron Duffey and David Loughran choose to work in Maine, where the three grew up in the Greater Portland area.

?It?s great to be doing what I want to be doing in the place where I want to live,? Duffey said on a recent morning in CD2?s office in Portland?s Old Port.

The company doesn?t have to be in D.C., Loughran said. ?There are probably opportunities we miss by not being there,? he said, ?but there are other opportunities we?ll gain from being here.?

CD2 is actually a conglomeration of smaller, specialty operations that each of the men ran before joining forces to offer a wider range of political consulting services.

Cole and Duffey formed Gum Spirits Productions, a film production company, in Portland in 2008. They produced independent films (Sundowning and Three Priests are two of the more well-known flicks) and TV advertisements for political campaigns, including for In 2009, they joined forces with a pair of Bowdoin College alums, Frank Chi and William Donahoe, who live in Washington, D.C., and produce websites for political campaigns. Cole and Duffey joined Chi and Donahoe ? notice the initials? ? to form CD2 in 2009.

Loughran had worked on political campaigns all over the country before returning to Maine in 2008 to form his own political communications consultancy called Mach3Media. Loughran reconnected with Duffey, who he grew up with in Gorham, upon his return to the Portland area. In 2010, he officially joined CD2.

The crew first gained national attention in February 2011 for an ad it produced about the battle in Wisconsin over Gov. Scott Walker?s attack on the collective bargaining rights of unions.

Instead of writing a 30-second script, the CD2 crew spent the entire day in snowy, 16-degree weather interviewing protesters in Madison, Wisc., as snow piled on their shoulders. ?That?s why we?re able to capture authentic moments and are able to turn what would be a good ad into a great ad,? Loughran said.

Cole, who Duffey called the ?creative genius? behind CD2, then spent the evening cutting more than three hours of raw interview footage into a 30-second ad spot, which was extremely successful and helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in small donations in the following weeks.

The ad, which was produced for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, got national attention. Rachel Maddow called it ?the most pointed, stand-with-the-people-who-work-for-a-living ad that we have seen for a very long time.? Lawrence O?Donnell called the ad ?beautiful film making,? and said ?I?m really quite struck by it.?

?You don?t usually get people on D.C. television talking in such effusive ways about a TV ad, but that speaks to the power of this particular one,? said Adam Green, the D.C.-based co-founder of Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

Duffey said the ad opened doors. Loughran and Duffey expect they?ll be able to leverage the success of its ads during the recent election season to grab more work on other high-profile campaigns.

Judging by the ads it?s produced, CD2?s future looks bright, Green said.

Progressive Change worked with 40 campaigns this past election season, and Green said he?d be looking for CD2 to contribute to more campaigns in the future. ?We definitely hold [CD2] out as a model for the future of ad making as we try to wean candidates off the past ? overly priced D.C. consultants doing lesser quality work,? he said.

Green said the fact CD2 is based outside D.C. is a benefit as they?re not captive to the standard talking points. ?Instead, they?re thinking outside the box,? Green said. ?They?re thinking about persuading the people on Main Street back home.?

Loughran declined to discuss CD2?s revenue except to say it has grown ?tenfold? since 2010. But Loughran and Duffey (Cole was out of the state on a shoot) don?t want CD2 to grow too big too fast.

?We don?t want to take every possible project that comes through the door,? Duffey said, because doing so would force them to not be so hands-on with the various campaigns.

?Our business will grow, and Jim, Aaron and I will continue to be principals in every campaign,? Loughran said. ?That?s how we want it to be.?


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How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing?

Online Business Associate Tips and Hints: How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing?

How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing?

Internet Marketing and autoresponders essentially go hand-in-hand. In today?s online business world, you simply cannot succeed at Internet marketing without the use of autoresponders. Autoresponders are used to achieve many of the marketing tasks that are essential to a successful online business.

Internet marketing can be very time consuming. Whether you do affiliate marketing or market your own products, an autoresponder is a big part of your marketing arsenal. Autoresponders are used to keep in contact with your past customers, and to develop a relationship with potential customers.

An autoresponder can be used to deliver sales messages to your opt-in customer list. It can be used to deliver email courses, to send reminders, and even to help you build an opt-in list if you don?t already have one. There are many creative ways you can use your autoresponder to make more sales and to build customer relations.

Any successful marketer will tell you that there are two tools that are vital to any type of online marketing ? an opt-in list and an autoresponder. In fact, most marketers will agree that you could take away all of their other marketing tools, but they would fight to the death to keep the list and the autoresponder!


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sockers' 41-game win streak sets US pro record

Associated Press Sports

updated 2:29 a.m. ET Nov. 24, 2012

SAN DIEGO (AP) - The San Diego Sockers set a U.S. professional team sports record with their 41st consecutive victory, 14-4 against the Toros de Mexico on Friday night.

The Sockers had been tied with the Sioux Falls Storm of United Indoor Football, who set the old record of 40 from 2005-08.

Kraig Chiles scored a career-high eight goals. He had a hat trick by halftime and scored four goals in the fourth quarter, finishing with a league-leading 19 goals in four games. Eduardo Velez added a hat trick with an assist as the Sockers jumped out to a 8-0 lead before conceding their first goal.

The Sockers haven't lost since Dec. 27, 2010, 9-8 in overtime to the California Cougars. Their winning streak began two days later with a 7-5 victory against the San Diego Fusion.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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PST: It was a disastrous first few years, but the relationship between David Beckham and Landon Donovan improved dramatically over the seasons.


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Top 10 Worries for the Real Estate Industry in 2013 | Commercial ...

balanced rock garden of gods 300x225 Top 10 Worries for the Real Estate Industry in 2013

Based on the 2013 Emerging Trends in Real Estate survey, conducted and published by ULI and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, here?s a list of the Top 10 Worries for the Real Estate Industry in 2013:

10. European financial instability

9. Federal fiscal deficits/imbalances

8. Construction costs

7. Refinancing

6. Tax policies?

5. Global economic growth

4. Income and wage change

3. Vacancy Rates

2. Interest Rates

1. Job Growth

Also, be sure to check out our previous Top 10 based on this ULI survey, Top 10 CRE Trends in 2013.

This ranking comes from a survey of U.S. real estate professionals?investors, developers, operators, and so on?asking respondents to name their greatest concerns in three different categories: Economic/Financial, Social/Political, and Real Estate/Development.?Each of the issues in these three categories received a score between 1 and 5. The most popular choices appear above.

Interesting side note: Social/Political issues like terrorism/war, social inequality, and global warming received far lower scores than such issues as interest rates and tax policies. ?I don?t have a joke or glib remark to follow that; it?s just an observation.

Of course, there?s a lot of overlap among these issues. Job growth goes hand-in-hand with numerous other concerns, whether general economic matters or specific real estate concerns.

In light of these issues, it isn?t too difficult to guess how the real estate industry will proceed next year. We can expect further demand and high activity in the core markets, and certain core neighborhoods that are supported by drivers like a transit hub, large university, or popular commercial district. As far as core markets go, the ULI suggests, it will be far more profitable to develop (or, in most cases, renovate/repurpose) properties than acquire existing product at super-low cap rates.

Unfortunately, these concerns also suggest further sluggish activity in secondary and tertiary markets, but even these markets offer some opportunities in existing properties, as well as industrial and multifamily. As always, the advantage will go to CRE markets with a high volume of technology and energy industry companies.



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ANALYSIS: What Gaza crisis taught Israel about Iran

Jim Hollander / EPA

An Israeli soldier from the Home Front Command comforts and plays with a boy in an air raid shelter in the southern Israeli town of Ashkelon on November 19. Many people in this border town close to the Gaza Strip stayed close to the shelters, and even spent most the day inside.

By Martin Fletcher, NBC News

News analysis

ASHKELON, Israel ? Israel's warplanes and Iron Dome anti-rocket missiles have been facing south for eight days, but their message was heard loud and clear to the north ? by leaders in Iran and Lebanon.?

The fighting against Hamas in Gaza, carried out by mostly missiles and planes, can be seen as a war game for what could happen if Israel moved to take out Iran's nuclear program, a much larger action that could result in both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran firing rockets toward Tel Aviv.

And violent as it has been, one?Israeli?general described Hamas, when comparing its might to Hezbollah and Iran, as a rain drop in a storm.

In other words, there's worse to come if Israel attacks Iran, much worse.

Israel declares mission accomplished, Hamas claims victory

So, what, if any, lessons did Israel learn that can be applied to Iran?

The most obvious concerns the endurance of Israel's "homefront," which is simply a military, dehumanizing term for "the people." Verdict: good. ?

There were almost no complaints by the people that they had to spend so long in bomb shelters. Southern towns like Ofakim, Ashkelon, Beer Sheva and even Ashdod closer to the center were attacked about a 150 times each in seven days. That means the people rushed to their shelters as the sirens wailed on average 21 times a day.

Shops and stores are reopening and a semblance of normalcy is returning to Gaza's streets after a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas is put into effect. NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin reports from Gaza.

Yet despite the discomfort and fear, most people did not call for an end to Israel's assault on Gaza. They wanted it to last as long as necessary to stop all rockets from Gaza in the future.

Iron Dome
The Iron Dome, Israel's home-made anti-rocket missile system, Israel's key defense against rockets from Gaza prevented carnage. Verdict: Very good with an official hit rate of 84 percent.

Israeli officials say over 900 rockets have been fired at the country in the past 6-days. NBC's Stephanie Gosk reports.

According to Israeli army figures, Islamist militants in Gaza fired 1,506 rockets at Israel in eight days. Eight hundred and seventy-five fell harmlessly into open areas like fields and the sea. The Iron Dome is programmed to let those alone and to intercept only rockets that would hit urban areas.

Iron Dome intercepted 421 rockets and 58 rockets actually got through, killing three civilians and wounding about 100 more, mostly lightly.

How Israel's 'Iron Dome' intercepts incoming rockets in Gaza conflict

The small number of casualties was because a few people?did not use?Israel's second defense layer, the bomb shelters. Verdict: Very good.?

Nobody in a shelter was hurt. The three killed did not do as they were advised and stood on their balcony watching the action. A rocket shot right through the window, splattering them against the walls.?

But?while the world has been watching the war in the south, the threat from the north is much bigger. Israeli intelligence sources say Hamas and partners in Gaza had 10,000 rockets. Hezbollah in South Lebanon has between 100,000 and 200,000,?including longer range rockets that carry heavier explosive warheads,?according to Israeli military analysts.

The Iron Dome could be effective against several fired at the same time and even a dozen or two, but if hundreds of long-range rockets are fired, for instance, at Israel's largest population center Tel Aviv, it is guaranteed that many would get through, causing havoc, heavy damage and possibly loss of life.

Israel needs America
How long could the homefront, or the people, withstand such an onslaught, especially if?compounded?by rockets from Iran?

The answer is not clear, but what is clear is that such an attack from Lebanon would provoke instant and massive Israeli retaliation.

That leads to another lesson, or rather byproduct, of the assault on Hamas ? Hamas may already be eliminated from the equation of a post-Iran strike. Would Hamas fight for Iran after the punishment it received in the past week and the depletion of its rocket supply and rocket-manufacturing ability??Nobody?knows.?

Mohammed Salem / Reuters

Two sides exchange deadly airstrikes, rocket attacks.

Shot dead, dragged through the streets: The fate of an alleged spy in Gaza

More likely is that Islamic Jihad, which is armed, trained and financed by Tehran, would fire its rockets at Israel, even if Hamas tried to stop them. So another lesson for Israel: Take out Islamic Jihad in Gaza ? and that could lead to conflict with Hamas anyway.

But as political and military leaders here analyze the results and lessons of the past week, the clearest lesson is probably this, and it is hardly new: Israel needs the United States.

It was President Barack Obama who insisted on a cease-fire, who called Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi three times in 24 hours, and who had several calls with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,?shepherding?both through the difficult process of reaching an agreement.

Americans tied to Israel caught in the chaos of Gaza conflict

The fact is,?Israel could not have carried out an invasion of Gaza without Washington's support. And as Obama made clear in his talks with Netanyahu, the United States prefers no ground invasion. And?Israel agreed. ?

So at the moment, Israel has Western support for latest action in Gaza. This support would evaporate if it decided unilaterally to invade Gaza.?

If the cease-fire holds for 24 hours, Israel will start talking about lifting border control on Gaza. In the meantime, Israeli ground troops remain mobilized in case Hamas resumes rocket attacks from Gaza. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.

But if newly re-elected Obama says the same about an attack on Iran, only more forcibly, will Israel agree again?

That is a different issue. Israel's homefront and defensive shield give Israel's freedom to act, but the bit questions are, for how long? And against what strength enemy?

And critical will be this: Will Obama be for or against?

Martin Fletcher is the author of "The List", "Breaking News" and "Walking Israel".

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