Friday, November 16, 2012

Online Educational Portal | Graphic Design | HTML | PHP | Website ...


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I need a portal to be designed with certain features to begin with and eventually others intergrated

there needs to be the following login in details: Username(can be changed by the user) password and school.
there needs to be 5 levels of access: Site Admin, School Admin, Head Teacher, Teacher and student.
There also needs to be Departments within each school: School admin can assign these, this is where teachers can be assigned to a department
Teacher can then set up a class and allocate a code that students can use to join
There needs to be a module where teachers can set up a template for a design folio. Once set up, the teacher can then assign it to their students. The students work through a step by step folio answering the appropriate questions and then when finished can print the template that teacher set up with the their responses filled in

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Last seen: Nov 15, 2012 6:40 AM EST


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