Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hearing problems, their causes and symptoms for the residents of ...

Hearing loss can be defined as the loss of sensitivity to the normal sounds. Every year, many residents of Atlanta go to see an Atlanta ear doctor because of loss of hearing.
Some of the common causes for hearing problems
Noise is considered to be one of the causes of hearing problems. Most of the people who complain of hearing problems to an Atlanta ear doctor say that it may be as a result noise pollution. The sources of noise pollution are listed herein: Mines and place where heavy machines are used. Secondly, people who live in congested areas are also exposed to noise. Also, people who live close to airports are bound to complain of hearing problems due to the noise caused by the airplanes. Such a form of loss of hearing is called Noise Induced Hearing Loss.
Looking at the records of an Atlanta ear doctor, you will see that the following diseases are responsible for hearing loss.
Firstly, mumps especially in children often results to loss of hearing. This may happen to one ear or to both ears. HIV/AIDS also results to hearing problems. This is because the virus may interfere with the normal functioning of the auditory system. Measles is also known to cause damage to the hearing system of the person suffering from it. The cochlea in the ear may also be damaged by meningitis.
Hearing problems in unborn children may also have been transmitted to them by the mother. In this case, the mother would be suffering from a sexually transmitted infection such as syphilis. In the event that the birth was done prematurely, then there is a slight chance that the baby may have severe hearing problems.
As one ages, there is a loss in haring that they experience. This condition is especially prevalent in the people, who are over sixty five years of age. Most of the mature residents of Atlanta who pay a visit to an Atlanta ear doctor may find that their hearing problem is as a result of age.
Some medicines are also known to cause damage to the hearing systems and therefore lead to hearing loss. Some of these medications are the ones that are used in the treatment of cancer and loss of libido in men.
Some chemicals are also known to be agents of causing hearing loss. Some of the notable chemicals that are known to cause hearing problems are mercury and lead.
The symptoms of hearing loss
Firstly, the patients visiting the Atlanta ear doctor may complain of experiencing pain in the ear. Secondly, you may experience dizziness or feel like vomiting. Thirdly, the patient may also experience ringing in the ears or feel like they are spinning. Another symptom may be experiencing hearing loss on one ear alone. Some patients may also complain of hearing losses in both ears and some may say that they feel like their ears are full.Take appointment of Atlanta ear doctor from for treatment of hearing problems.

About Max Friar

Max Friar is writing about various topics from last two years


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